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Christian was in his office trying to have a secret FaceTime conversation with Joseline, when Elliott came bursting through the door unannounced.

"What the fuck Christian! Really?" Joseline throws out.

"Really what?"

"You lied to me. You never told me there was two of you." She say giving Elliott the sexy side eye.

"He failed to tell me of your beauty as well."

"Could we finish our discussion before we are busted."

"Fine cock blocker." She say jokingly sticking her tongue out at him. "When will my jet be picking me up?"

"You, Mindy and Sheena will get there a day before the surprise party and dropped off at my Aspen house. The party coordinator knows you are there to ensure things are perfect and allowed to give orders and make decisions."

"So can someone clue me in on what's going on."

"Christian and I are planning a surprise party for Rihanna."

When Christian finished his conversation he see Elliott eyeing him as if he was hiding something.

"Bro you told me about Joseline but never thought I would be meeting her. This friend of Rihanna is smoking hot. But all jokes aside this is nice, you've never done anything like this before."

"Ya, hints why Joseline is helping me. It seems to me E like you're moving towards the old flirting you."

"Maybe I am. Dealing with Kate and her family has become a nightmare Bro. She let her place go and without telling me moved not just her ass but Ethan into place. Talking to her parents is like talking to a brick wall. How the hell do you handle business deals with her dad baffles me."

"Oh it's not easy dealing with Eamon, Ros knows my temper and the patience that I don't have so she handles him majority of the time."

Rihanna is the next person to just come into Christian office without warning. Andrea seeing her coming did call to give him a heads up.

"Sir Ms. Fenty is on her way in."

He whispers his response, "I already ended the call with Joseline, but thanks." He laugh loving the feeling of being sneaky.

"Hi Elliott I didn't know you were here."

"Hey to you Rihanna." Elliott winks at her enjoying fucking with his brother by flirting with his girl.

"You two I don't find that cute, cut that shit out."

"Stop it he's your brother. Anyway, Elliott did Chris tell you how he kicked me out of his office. He doesn't want to share with me anymore." She say poking her lip out to indicate how hurt she is.

"Ri baby, I didn't kick you out I had all your things move to your own office."

"Not all of it they left my paint pallets here." She say snatching them off his desk.

"Oh no you don't." He grab her giving her a sloppy kiss, then patting her on the butt before letting her go. "Now your allowed to leave Ms. Fenty."

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