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Christian has been enjoying himself for around five months now. He and Rihanna have become closer and closer. He finds himself loving spending all day with her, even enjoying walking along with her and her puppy that she now brings everyday. Meeting her son is something he really wanted but also understood the reluctancy. Even though he has spoken to John twice, making a call to him now is going to be his first time mentioning Rihanna.


JOHN: "Hi Christian you're looking even better today. Sabbatical still going great? Have you spoken to Ros?"

CHRISTIAN: "Gotta tell you I never felt better. No I have not spoken to Ros, I have not checked any of my emails, read any of the stinking tabloids or watched any thing news like on TV."

JOHN: You're doing great I told you this is what you needed. I hate having to bring this up, but the last time we spoke you left off with you saying you feel you still love Anastasia.

CHRISTIAN: "I do remember what I said and I stand by that. But the love I'm saying that I have is different. John I can see the weird look on your face, yes I'm just now learning about emotions and love. When it comes to Anastasia, I'm going to say that I love the fact that she showed me that I have the capabilities of loving. I'm also learning to accept the fact that someone eventually can love me as well. But I can honestly say I am no longer in love with Anastasia."

JOHN: "Christian it seems you're finally putting your money with your therapist to work. So my next big question is what have you been doing in the placement of your build-up sexual frustration that you always claim to have? That need of punishment or have you been dabbing in to the part of your life in that aspect where you are? I'm sorry but I have to ask these hard questions or I wouldn't be doing my job that you pay good money for."

CHRISTIAN: "I have no problem answering the questions. In all honesty that feeling of compulsion when it comes to punishment is gone. At least for now I haven't wanted to, haven't thought about it not even once. Someone has been helping me, her name is Rihanna and she is the housekeeper of this place that I'm renting. I was at first using her as just my tour guide, to show me some fun places to go to, but now she's way more than that to me."

JOHN: "Oh really? What is that?"

CHRISTIAN: "She's my friend. To answer your un-asked question, no we have not had sex, no we have not made out, no we haven't even really held hands, but still at the same time connected."

JOHN: "Last question for this session. How are you sleeping at night and the nightmares."

CHRISTIAN: "There's nothing to say about it because I haven't had any nightmares at all. I think I've been having what people call dreams."

JOHN: "Let me say I'm impressed. I don't think many are going to recognize the Christian Grey that is going to be returning."


With his call to John now over he goes in search of his friend, first stopping to have a quick talk with Taylor.

"Were you able to get everything I asked?"

"Yup, Boss no problem."

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