Chapter One

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March, 2013.

“Why don’t you ever talk to Harry anymore? You never talk to Harry anymore.” Liam’s voice asked, as he and Zayn sat in their living room. Zayn looked away from the football match on TV and towards his boyfriend. He merely replied with a shrug.

“When was the last time you even spoke to Harry?” Liam pestered again, and Zayn placed the bottle of beer that was in his hand onto the small coffee table before turning his body around to face Liam who was sat in the chair opposite to him.

“Babe, why do you keep asking about Harry? That’s all you ever go on about nowadays, we never talk about anything but Harry.” Zayn asked back, not trying to show how frustrated this really made him. Liam’s big brown eyes were looking at him innocently. As his boyfriend sat on the other half of the room, the sun was shining through the windows behind him and making Liam look like some sort of bright angel.

Now, it was Liam’s turn to shrug, even though those beautiful lips of his stayed still and silent.

“Then let’s drop it, yeah?” Zayn asked, trying to make his voice sound lighter, before he picked the beer bottle up and took a long drink of it, before slowly leaning back in the comfy chair of the living room.

“I just don’t want you to forget how important Harry is to you.” Liam’s voice filled the room and echoed around it, and Zayn rolled his eyes. He didn’t bother replying or looking at his boyfriend. He absolutely loved Liam Payne to pieces, there was no doubt about that, but he never stopped talking about Harry. Of course it made Zayn feel suspicious, he wanted to know why Harry was the content of their conversations all the time.

Zayn had met Harry at university. Harry had been living in the dorm opposite him, and Harry had knocked on Zayn’s door and asked if he had some spare batteries for his game controller. The conversation had started out with a request for batteries, but ended up with the two boys hanging out whenever they could, playing games or watching movies. They’d become the best of friends, but that was it. That’s why he was so confused as to why Liam kept behaving like this, like Zayn was hiding something from him. He was hiding nothing. Zayn sighed once again and shook his head, looking away from the TV and towards Liam once more.

“Sometimes, I think you want Harry more than you want me.” Zayn spoke up truthfully, not wanting to cause any harm or offence to his boyfriend, but Liam needed to voice how he felt about this.

“Maybe Harry wants you more than I want you.” Liam mumbled, and Zayn watched as his boyfriend stood up from the chair in a swift, graceful movement and glided across the living room. Zayn tried to get up from his armchair, but it felt like there was some sort of force pushing him back down. He watched as Liam waltzed past him, not making eye contact with him. Zayn dropped the bottle to the floor and tried to grab hold of his boyfriend even though it came to no use.

“Liam, don’t go!” Zayn called after him, but Liam had left. And now everything was dark, and cold, and empty. Zayn called and called for him, but Liam never came back. He never came back.

Zayn shot up in bed, his cheeks wet with tears, his voice screaming out his boyfriend’s name. One last raspy plead for Liam left Zayn’s lips, before he stopped and was met by darkness and silence. His bare chest was rising up and down as he tried to regain his breathing, his eyes slowly looking around his bedroom. It was still dark, but his eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness so he could start to pinpoint the location of his furniture. He saw how the wardrobe door was slightly open, revealing a few of Liam’s plaid shirts that were hung up. Zayn’s breathing regained to it’s normal pace, and his heart stopped thrashing about inside of his ribcage. His skin felt hot, so he thrusted the duvet covers away from him before he leaned against the cold wood that belonged to the headboard of his bed. He let his head lean against the top of the headboard, looking up at his ceiling.

Losing Liam. - [A Ziam/Zarry Fanfiction.]Where stories live. Discover now