Chapter Six

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For Zayn Malik, life was slowly starting to go back to normal again. Days and weeks had been going slowly, but he soon found himself a new job so that he could spend his time more preoccupied with working, and he hoped that with this his time would slip away faster. The new job must have been working, as his chocolate brown eyes gazed up at the clock on the wall to see that there was only another ten minutes to go until it was five o’clock, and his home time. Even though he was a English Literature graduate, there wasn’t many jobs going for English teachers or hopeful writers, which was what he wanted to do, and instead found himself working in a huge library. It was quite interesting seeing all of the people come inside and all of the books that they took out. Zayn loved to observe the people that came in everyday, there was something he loved about sitting down and watching people, as creepy as it sounded. It was just fun to wonder about what walks of life people came from.

Zayn had been looking across at a young woman who had been stood looking at the language section for the past several minutes. He was wondering why she would want to take out travel books. Was she going somewhere? Had she been somewhere and wanted some sort of reminder of it? A pat on his shoulder brought him from his wondrous imagination and into the face of his boss. His boss, a middle aged man with a small pair of spectacles on his nose looked up at Zayn with a cheeky smile, before he looked over to where the girl had been stood by the bookshelf.

“Has young Zayn found himself admiring a young lady?” His boss asked quietly, a husky chuckle coming from the back of his throat. Zayn forced a little smile and shook his head. The painful reminder that the only boy he wanted to admire was no longer with them anymore, of course, all he could do was force that to the back of his mind.

“No, I’m a bit of a creep really. I like to try and figure people out, see where they came from, where they are headed.” Zayn admitted quietly, as his hands started to tidy up a section of books. His boss adjusted his glasses a little, looking over Zayn with a knowing smile.

“As Socrates once said, wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” Zayn’s boss said, before telling him that his shift was over and he could go home when he was ready. Zayn watched as his boss walked away from him, taking a pencil from his ear and writing down things on a little clipboard, before Zayn looked back at the woman, who had now disappeared. The words of Socrates were swirling around his head, and a small smile spread across his face, before he made sure the bookshelf in front of him was tidy and in order, before getting ready to leave his work.

Zayn was sat on the bus home, a pair of headphones over his ears as one of Drake’s albums played into his ears. Zayn was looking intently out of the window, his chocolate brown eyes watching as each rain drop slowly trickled down the other side of the window. At home, he would have sat and watched raindrops for hours, tracing their little journeys with his index finger, but he wasn’t going to do that on a bus in front of everyone to see. He might have gotten some strange looks for doing that, and so simply stuck to watching the raindrops instead. For a moment, his mind drifted to images of when he and Liam would sit on the buses, and how Liam’s head would always find itself in the crook of Zayn’s neck, their fingers entwined between them both, but hidden with one of their coats or bags. Not because they had to keep their relationship from people, but they loved to pretend that it was their little secret. That was just one of the things that they had together. It was over now, of course.

When Zayn finally got home, he let out a content sigh and kicked his shoes off. He shut the front door behind him and shoved his coat onto the stairway banister, and for a split second he felt like he could almost hear the sweet humming of Liam, but that soon left his ears. The more time went on, Zayn was just flooded more with more little memories of Liam. He thought that they would have been easier to cope with as time went on, but they weren’t. Except on certain occasions. Zayn often found himself having a loss of memories when he was in the company of his best friend, Harry Styles. This next moment would be no exception.

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