Chapter Three

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Louis and Eleanor helped Harry get the poor, drunken Zayn into his car before they both drove off. Harry hadn’t drunk much, and it wouldn’t take too long until they’d get to Zayn’s place. Eleanor bit on her lip and folded her arms as she watched the car drive away.

“C’mon babe, you’ll get cold stood out here for too long.” Louis coaxed her, putting his arm around her petite waist. Eleanor was too anxious though.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Louis asked, concern washing over his face.

“Harry cried…but I have this weird feeling about why he did.” Eleanor spoke quietly, before looking up at her boyfriend. Louis pulled her into his arms tightly.

“He’s seeing his best friend in a bad place, it must have gotten too much for him.” Louis replied, but Eleanor shook her head.

“Louis, you know as well as I do that Zayn isn’t just a friend to Harry.” Eleanor spoke matter-of-factly, and Louis gave a sigh and nodded. He did know that Zayn wasn’t just a friend to Harry. He had spent many heart to heart conversations, talking to Harry about Zayn and Liam’s relationship. There was even a case where Louis had had to remove a drunken Harry from a party that they had all gone too, because he was about to go and attempt to split up Zayn and Liam. Of course, Harry had only done it because he was the drunkest that he had ever been, and was absolutely devastated with himself the next day.

“I know, I know.” Louis replied, and they both exchanged a look, which showed each other that they were still on the same wavelength.

“El, Harry’s sensible, he knows his place.” Louis spoke again on behalf of his best friend. Eleanor nodded, making her brunette hair bob a little as she did so. She wrapped her arms around Louis’ waist and tucked her head under his chin.

“Harry’s a good guy, but I can tell that something Zayn said hit him extra hard. I guess I’m just worried about them.” Eleanor admitted, and Louis placed a soft kiss on her forehead and held her in his arms.

“Me too. It’ll be okay, I trust Harry to look after Zayn and not do anything.” Louis spoke up, fully believing in his words, and El nodded her head in agreement.

“C’mon, I think we better get inside and start playing Mum and Dad to Niall and Hayley before someone gets pregnant.” Louis chuckled, before he placed a kiss onto Eleanor’s lips and they both made their way back inside.

Once they were back inside the party, it wasn’t long before they found Niall and Hayley. Niall was shirtless and was taking body shots off Hayley, whose pinafore was now down and her shirt was up, revealing her stomach. There were a few people around them holding up phones and taking a video, as Niall stood with a bottle of tequila in his hands.

“And he lines up another shot…” Niall announced in his X Factor voice, which made everyone laugh.

“Niall, Niall, take the shot, Ni!” Hayley giggled drunkenly, and Louis and Eleanor quickly rushed over when the determined smile spread on Niall’s face.

“Wow, okay guys, let’s get you both sat down and drinking some water.” Eleanor laughed, and they both split Niall and Hayley up, much to the drunken pairs disproval. Louis and Eleanor spent the rest of the party looking after everyone, even though they were wishing that Zayn and Harry were okay somewhere.   


Harry Styles stepped out onto the roof of the building once again. The sun was high in the sky, and there was a warm breeze as the blue sky showed off the buildings of London. He walked over to the small wall that went around the edge of the building and ruffled his hair up slightly. His head seemed to hurt a little for some reason.

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