Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Okay, I'll stretch the fic out a little so that it gets a proper ending then the one I first intended. I'd say roughly, another two chapters including the epilogue? Not sure. Let's see how it goes. :) Enjoy my lovelies. <3

“Okay…the guys know that you’re safe. They’re all going back to Louis’ or something, I don’t know.” Harry spoke, before slipping his phone back into his pocket. He walked back over to where Zayn was sat against the wall, his legs stretched out lazily in front of him, his chocolate brown eyes staring ahead of him as if his life depended on it. Harry knew the truth, though. Zayn might have not seen Liam get ran over, but his mind was replaying it for him. A raspy sigh left Harry’s lips, and he slowly walked over to Zayn, before he sat next to him.

The two boys sat against the wall, staring at the road ahead of them. A slightly cool wind blew past them, making both boys shiver a little. Harry looked over at his best friend with cautious green eyes. Zayn looked so tired. His brown eyes were dull as they looked ahead of him, his once perfect quiff was messed up and going in all directions, but mostly over his forehead. His jeans looked like if Zayn stood up they were going to fall down, even though they were the tightest jeans Harry had ever seen him in. There were bags under the boys’ eyes, and Harry finally understood the toll that the dream had taken on the boy next to him. In any other situation, he would question about if he was okay, where he had been, or about the dream, but Harry had something else on his mind.

“Zayn, what did you mean, just then?” Harry asked. His rough voice was raw due to the cracked sobs that had left his body only moments before, in the car. Zayn’s body finally moved. The olive skinned boy had been sat next to the wall like stone. His head tilted a little to the side, and slowly, two brown eyes trailed up until they met Harry’s.

“What did what mean?” Zayn replied, although Harry couldn’t reply for a moment, due to Zayn’s low tone of voice. It sounded like he had been gargling nails and screws, it was perfection, and took Harry’s breath away.

“When you said this is fate, or, or something.” Harry finally found his words, but once they left his mouth, both boys sat and stared at each other in silence for a moment.

“You were always slow at these things.” Zayn sighed, before he turned his head away from Harry’s once again, and regained his stone-like state. Harry’s green eyes could only stare on in confusion, as they were both plunged back into silence.

The silence was broken when a short sigh left Zayn’s lips. He pushed himself away from the wall and stretched out his arms in front of him. Harry heard a couple of his bones click around, before Zayn turned and faced Harry with one of his hands out. Harry looked up at him in confusion, which caused Zayn to tilt his head in a gesture for the curly haired boy to take his hand. Harry pushed his hand into Zayn’s, and was soon brought to his feet, but just as his hand was adjusting to the feeling of his fingers entwined with Zayn’s, the contact was broke. Zayn shoved his hands in his pockets and walked over to the curb. He looked left, right, then left again, before striding out into the middle of the road.

“Zayn, what are you doing? Get out of the road!” Harry quickly urged, chasing after his best friend. Zayn stopped in the middle of the road, and checked that the road was all clear for him to stand there once more, before he looked up at Harry. Zayn’s brown eyes trailed across the concrete road, while Harry grabbed hold of one of Zayn’s arms in an effort to take him back to the safety of the curb. Too many bad things had happened on this road, Harry didn’t want anything else to add to that list.

“This…” Zayn started, his voice suddenly loud and confident compared to the high-pitched hysteria that it experienced just hours ago. He’d obviously calmed himself down. Zayn shrugged carelessly from Harry’s grasp, and shuffled a little to the side, before he placed one foot in front of him. Harry checked that the road was clear once more, which it was, before letting himself look down. Zayn’s foot was pointing at one of the tyre tracks left by Harry’s car as it had swerved out of the way of the other car.

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