~ Epilogue ~

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“I love weddings…” Liam Payne’s big brown eyes twinkled happily as the words left his mouth. The boy sat on the edge of the roof, his feet dangling over the edge, subconsciously moving away in time with the music that was coming from below.

Below him, wedding guests conversed or danced with each other, as soft music played through the wedding courtyard. Beautiful fairy lights were strewn across the courtyard, wrapped around large pillars. Around the fairy lights were roses of light pink and white, to match the bouquets of the bride herself, and her bridesmaids. Soft music from the wedding band filled the happy atmosphere, as the guests enjoyed themselves under the stars. It had been a beautiful wedding, with warm sunshine all day for the happy couple. It had been away from London and all it’s chaos, and in the countryside. It was a renovated barn and courtyard, made purposely as a wedding venue, and it was in the middle of rolling countryside hills.

“They just turn me into a big, bag of soppy goodness.” Liam’s puppy like words came again, before he let out a happy laugh, his eyes still set down on the people in the courtyard. He glanced up for a split second, with a sly smile.

“I’m glad I don’t have to wear one of those monkey suits, though.” He chuckled, before his brown eyes looked back at the guests. There was a small silence as a small smile spread on his face. His fingers entwined together, as he sat on the edge of the roof.

“They do look smart though, don’t they?” He whispered, a magical sadness to his quiet whisper. It was hard to decide whether the boy was talking to himself or not as the question left his mouth. This soon changed, when he looked up with another laugh and a large smile.

“It’s about time they got married, though! I’ve been waiting for these two to tie the knot for ages…” He spoke, before his brown eyes looked down at the beautiful young woman in the flowing white dress, in the arms of her new husband, as they swirled around on the dancefloor, the lyrics to the song falling from the young man’s lips so quietly that only his wife could hear, although Liam heard it all.

Liam suddenly burst out into a loud, heart laugh.

“Oh, look at them two! Serious wedding dance yet there they are, living it up like the idiots they are!” Liam chuckled, leaning forward a little with a wide smile on his face, as he looked down across the dancefloor at the young, blonde Irishman, who was jumping and jiving around the dance floor, throwing the laughing maid of honour around as he did so.

“They always did have strange dance moves when they were drunk…but it’s good that they have each other,” Liam spoke, the smile softening on his face, “it’s really good.”

His eyes drifted around one last time, before settling on a small table, taken up by two participants.

“Talking about good for each other.” He whispered with a smile on his face, as he looked over his lost love, as he sat on the table hand in hand with the curly haired man who had stepped in to protect the boy’s heart.

“It’s about time they got together too…they need each other so much. And plus,” Liam spoke, before looking back up, “I wouldn’t trust my love with anyone else.” A small smile spread on his face, before his twinkling brown eyes looked over the scene again. The boy was so in love with it all, yet there was so much sadness behind his big brown eyes that was threatening to spill over, but he wasn’t allowing.

“I heard there wasn’t a best man…they left a seat empty at the table…” His voice spoke, softly, when his gaze stopped at the head table, where the bride and groom had now retreated back to, as they sat and sipped champagne with each other, to have a moment just for each other. His big brown eyes glassed over once again with the saddened look, but the small smile never strayed from his heavenly face.

“I never thought that when he said I’d be best man, that he was being serious.” He whispered, before he looked up at the twinkling stars in the sky. They all shone so brightly above him, almost as if they were looking over him with the same look that Liam was looking over his friends in the courtyard below. He turned once again, with a small smile, his big brown eyes shining.

“I think it’s time for me to go. I’ve stuck around for as long as possible.” He spoke, his voice was quiet, but the amount of emotion behind his words was unmistakable. He looked down at his friends once more, his bottom lip caught in his teeth, as he nodded slowly.

“Yeah, it’s time for me to leave. If I stayed much longer, I fear I’d never be able to leave them.” He spoke, with a brave smile, his eyes filling with glassy tears. He sniffed a little, his brown eyes never leaving the courtyard below, as he brought the T-shirt that he was in to his cheek to wipe a crystal like tear from it.

“And they said angels don’t cry!” he tried to laugh, although it brought another tear falling from his cheek.

“Well, they do…” He whispered, before fanning his face to try and prevent more from falling over his eyes.

“They do.” He whispered quietly, before he finally looked back up again with watery eyes and a brave smile.

“It was nice to meet you. Oh hey, you want some advice? Look after the ones around you, because one day, when they’re gone, they’ll be the ones looking after you. Whether you know it or not.” A cheeky smile flashed across Liam’s beautiful face, before he whispered a goodbye and faded into thin air, the last thing his brown eyes looking at was the courtyard.

As the clock struck midnight, on that calm night, a sudden feeling of wholeness fell over the guests in the courtyard. Liam Payne had finally left the earth. The boy arrived within the stars in the small spot that was left as his, and his star shone brighter than any other that night.  

 A/N: Thank you all ever so much for the constant love and support that you guys always give me throughout my fics. I love you all so so much, but you guys already know that!:) I could write an essay on how much you gusy all mean to me, but I'd be sat here all day and I'd be writing something that would be longer than space, seriously! Love you all so so much and thank you. 

 P.S. It's Elounor getting married, not Niall and Hayley! :))) 


Losing Liam. - [A Ziam/Zarry Fanfiction.]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें