Chapter Fifteen

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The first time that Harry Styles ever woke up with Zayn Malik next to him, was a few months after meeting the boy. They’d immediately become close friends when they moved in next to each other in their small university dorms. Zayn had brought his laptop and collection of computer games, and Harry had brought his xbox and collection of video games. It had been a funny affair when they first met, due to Harry knocking on Zayn’s door to ask if the boy had any spare batteries for his controllers. But when Harry had knocked on the door, he hadn’t expected the raven haired God to open it with a bashful smile on his face.

Both boys had found out that they both had a lack of batteries for their gaming habits, and figured that they should explore a little to see if there was some campus shop, and in the mean time, get to know each other. As the two boys wondered around their new university campus in wonder, they did get to know each other. They soon found out that they were both alike, and were on the same wavelength. Harry had found out that Zayn was studying English Literature, and was in two minds about letting that take him down the teaching career route, or whether he would go down the journalism route. Zayn found out that Harry was studying Law, and was hoping to join a Law firm in the future, if he got his degree. They’d both been in such long discussion that they’d almost walked straight past the campus shop. That was the start of their friendship.

Harry always kind of knew that he liked Zayn. When he had first met Zayn, he had never thought that he would ever end up liking a guy. But he did, and he really liked him. But it wasn’t other guys, it was just Zayn. Zayn Malik, and only Zayn Malik. Their free time was spent together. Of course, they made new friends through their courses, and the many student union nights as well, but the boys tended to sit together in one of their small bedrooms and play video games and talk about episodes of family guy than do anything else. They were just best friends, but Harry craved for more. He always craved for Zayn’s hand to linger longer when it touched his skin. There was only one occasion where it did.

“Now this is what university is about.” Zayn’s voice had slurred. It was five o’clock in the morning. The two boys had been out at a house party that was held by one of the more local students that they knew. It had been a crazy party, but as it ended, the two boys had had to walk back to the university at three in the morning. For the two, the fun hadn’t stopped. Zayn revealed a collection of beers from a mini fridge in his bedroom, and so they had sat in his room, on his floor, drinking and talking. Just enjoying each other’s company.

Harry had turned to the boy with a funny frown on his face. He was already cracking up at what Zayn was about to say, due to the amount of alcohol that he had had.

“Drinking, at five in the morning! We are such rebels!” Zayn giggled, his voice excitable and giddy, as he leaned over to Harry excitably before he pulled his body back away.

“Rebels for life!” Harry’s words had agreed, before he raised his beer can into the air for a long moment. Zayn watched the can for a minute, before his lips fell into a perfect ‘o’ shape, and he slammed his can into Harry’s with a loud cheer. The two cans fell from the two boys’ hands and fell onto the floor, the last of their contents onto the floor.

“Whoops…let me just clear this up.” Zayn drunkenly hiccupped, before he leaned over Harry’s body. Harry could only sit and watch as the older boy pressed his body against his as his drunk hands fumbled around the cans. Zayn was leant across Harry’s lap, one of his knees balancing inbetween Harry’s sprawled out legs, and then his side was pressed against Harry’s chest a little for support as he threw the cans over into the pile of other cans. A short sigh left Zayn’s lips, as his head looked around his room, before he reached over for a blue T-shirt that was left in the middle of his room, and he threw it onto the beer puddle, before leaning back.

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