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After finally exiting her bath, now more relaxed, she walked over to her room, throwing on a large shirt before grabbing some underwear. It'd been late, and she had to be in early tomorrow morning.

So, after scrolling on Instagram for a few minutes, she decided to call it a night by, and fell asleep soon after.

⊹ ⊹ ⊹

"Fine, last time." Tim had somehow agreed. He helped Angela with her studying, after he told himself he wouldn't.

They had already been two hours in, and it was 10PM. "Thanks for helping," Angela yawned, putting the few papers into a drawer. Tim nodded, with a tired smile, as he put away the flash cards.

"Okay, and this might sound a little weird, but you're not as tough on this rookie as the others... why is that?" Angela crossed her arms, tilting her head as she watched the man try to come up with an excuse.

"Is it because this one actually has a chance, or because she's screwed?" Angela scoffed, walking over to her kitchen.

"Definitely screwed. I'll work harder with her, just need to be slow about it." The words coming from Tim's mouth were correct, just not in the right sense.

After another few minutes of them talking, Timothy left, leaving Angela to finally get some rest.

And once he was finally home, he made sure to take a quick shower, then headed straight to bed, where he let Lucy run in his mind for a few minutes, before his eyelids became too heavy.

His slumber was interrupted when his phone rang, an unknown number. Hesitantly, he picked up, listening for the other end. When the sound of faint breathing was caught, Tim's mind became alert.

"Hello?" He said, repeating it once more. No sound, other than hitched breaths. It was then that Bradford finally realized, as the person let out a small sound, it had been Lucy on the other line. She hadn't spoken, but Tim knew that sound, a sound of pleasure, and he was surprised he hadn't recognized her breathing earlier.

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