Earn It

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Lucy did as told, a giddy smile on her face as she drove. She thought about what this meant, for them both. Then, she let herself drift too far into her thoughts, and the thought of being a relationship came across. She shook it off, figuring she was just excited to see Tim again.

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She let a few minutes pass by, waiting for Tim's text. She had been sitting in her living room, a pair of black jeans on, paired with a red long sleeve.

Eventually, her phone rang, and she was quick to grab her keys before heading out the door in a hurry.

As she drove, Tim's familiar smirk filled her mind, and his large hands holding her body had her squeezing her legs together. If she hadn't been on the way to his house she would have called him right now, she thought.

She looked down at her phone, turning off the car and walking up to the steps. She knocked on the door, clasping her hands as she waited for him.

"Give me a second!" He called out from his bedroom, grabbing the large binder from his nightstand's drawer. He held it in one arm, then walked over to the front door.

There stood Lucy, her big eyes staring right at his. She gave a small smile, unsure what to do with her hands. She noticed the binder in his arm, her eyebrows curving and eyes squinting as she tried to skim through it.

"You gonna stand there or are you coming in?" Tim had already walked off, and was entering a bedroom.

Lucy shook her head, then quickly closed and locked the door behind herself, following Tim into what she presumed was his bedroom.

"If you really want to do this you're gonna have to earn it." Tim warned her, and she frantically nodded with a large grin.

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