Chapter One

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I was absolutely mortified at what I had just witnessed. More less what I just saw. I was speechless and I stood motionless in the doorway with my wide eyes staring straight at my boyfriend in bed with another woman. I'm not as mad at him than how mad I am at myself. I let this happen to me again and I was stupid enough to get myself back into this position. I thought when I first met Martin, he would be the one for me but I was so stupid to believe his little act. I didn't know anything about this. He could have been sleeping for this girl for months for all I know. I was just getting back to my normal happy self and he had to just go and ruin it. I immediately turned around and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't be here right now. I ran straight for the door when Martin came running towards me. He was still shirtless but had the audacity to put pants on.
"Destiny, it's not what it looks like. I swear this was just a one time thing." A one time thing. Is that really all he can say right now. He just slept with another woman and he's saying it's just a one time thing. I don't just forgive and forget in these type of situations and he knows that. He also knows what I've been through with other men.
"Really! A one time thing. Martin I would expect this from other men, but not you." I turned around to proceed walking to the door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him.
"Destiny, I love you and I'm sorry this happened. I made a mistake and it will never happen again." I can't believe all the lies he's expressing right now. I need to get out of here. Away from this mess.
"Oh well if you loved me so much you would have thought about me before you fucked that woman in our bed. Before you shoved your dick inside her." I turned around and didn't let him stop me from getting away this time. I slammed the door and walked straight to my car. The moment I sat down, the tears just started streaming out of me. I pressed my head against the steering wheel and let the tears out. My tears of anger and regret. Anger for what he's done but regret for even believing that he was a decent man. I started the car and drove away. I didn't know where I was gonna go. I had my purse but nothing else. I couldn't possibly imagine the thought of re-entering that house ever again. The house where he ruined everything we ever had. Every night of laying next to the person I love was forever gone. I wanted my time to come. My time to find the one I loved and the one to be loyal and stay by me. It seems that all men are dicks or I'm just the unlucky one.

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