Chapter Three

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He pulled into his driveway and I was right away blown away by his house. It didn't seem appropriate for someone his age.
"Before you start asking questions, this is my parents house. They let me stay here. They're currently living in Phoenix." This house was unbelievably beautiful. He hopped out and opened my door for me. I smiled as he walked me up to the door. Once we got inside I saw that everything was so neat and tidy, but so lonely and quiet. He lived in this big house all by himself. It didn't seem right.
"Kyle this place is beautiful but you live here all by yourself." He looked around then back at me.
"I have friends over often so it's not that lonely when they're here. But let me show you to your room." He proceeded down a dark and sullen hallway and reached the end where a bedroom with a queen sized bed sat and a TV hung on the wall and gray drapes hung over the windows.
"It's not much but I hope you can find comfort in here." It was perfect for me and more than enough to make me comfortable in this home.
"It's perfect for me. Thank you for letting me stay here." He smiled and pointed to a little bathroom.
"You can use that bathroom and I can go grab you some towels and a T-shirt for tonight. I'll leave first thing in the morning to go get your things." I didn't exactly feel comfortable with him going over to my house but I needed my things.
"Thank you." He shut the door behind him and I plopped down on the bed. I checked my phone for the first time in about an hour. I had about a thousand texts from Martin. Where are you. Baby I'm so sorry. Please come home. It was a mistake. I wasn't gonna put up with this bullshit anymore. I no longer trusted him and didn't care what he had to say anymore.
Kyle came back in a few minutes later with towels and a couple of his T-shirts. It didn't seem right to be wearing one of shirts, but I couldn't sleep in a blazer that I had worn from work.
"I'll just set them over here and don't be afraid to ask me for anything." I smiled as he headed back out and shut the door. I started unbuttoning my blazer and threw the jacket on the bed. I slid the pants off revealing my red thong panties. Once I pulled off my undershirt. I put his auto shop T-shirt over my head. It went past my thighs and covered my butt mostly. I slid into the covers of the bed. I had a lot on my mind right now and I knew it would impact my sleep right now. I had a lot going on in my life that I needed a break from. Tomorrow was Saturday and I didn't need to go into work. I think it's best if I take a mental health day. I spend the next twenty minutes on my phone and fall asleep right after that.

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