Chapter Sixteen

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I heard a crash in the house. It was three in the morning. It almost sounded like glass breaking. I tapped on Kyle to wake him up. He sat up and wiped his tired eyes.
"What's happening?" I looked towards the door motioning the action going on outside our bedroom.
"I heard a crash. Like glass breaking or something." He tore the covers off of his body and came to a stand. He went to the door and stopped before he opened it.
"You stay here. I'll go see what's happening." I sat back down on the bed in fear. I wasn't ok with the idea of Kyle going out there alone. There could be somebody in our house and he would just become more of a threat. I slipped on my robe and opened the door a crack. I walked out with my back glued to the wall.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I heard Kyle yelling. I ran to him as fast as I could. He was standing in the living room staring straight into the eyes of my mother.
"Mom?" He turned to me in confusion. She had a fearful look on her face now like she knew she made a mistake coming here. I walked over to the end table closest to me and turned a lamp on.
"Mom what are you going here?" She stepped back as I got closer by the second.
"Martin called me and told me what happened. How you broke up with him and were with this new guy and I can clearly see things are going well for you two." I glanced down at my stomach then back up at her.
"Mom, Martin cheated on me. I had a right to leave him and hell I thought you didn't like him. She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, a look I've seen before by her.
"Destiny, Martin had money and could support you. I never claimed I didn't like him." My mother had to be drunk or even high right now. She didn't know what she was saying and she knew that. She didn't need someone to tell her that to know.
"Mom I can't live with someone who isn't gonna make me happy. Kyle makes me happy and in a few weeks I'm not gonna be able to be happy with him anymore because he'll be gone and I'll never get to experience the joy of his presence or his touch anymore." She looked confused after what I had just said.
"What are you talking about?"
"He's dying mom. He's terminal. He won't get to experience our daughter grow up at all. He'll have to do it from a far distance." My anger was getting the best of me now. She was asking me questions I didn't want to answer because I didn't want to think about them. I hated the idea of losing him almost as much as her presence in my home right now. My tears were streaming down my face and I could feel a shine on them from the light. Kyle walked closer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders from behind. My mom wasn't saying anything she was just standing in front of me with her head facing towards the ground. I hope she felt guilty and regretted ever coming here. I didn't know what the fuck was going on. It didn't seem real to me but it was.
"I know it's all sudden but I want a second chance. I wasn't a good mother before and that was my mistake. I was distracted from what was really important in life and that was you. I should've realized that a long time ago." I had to take a moment to process everything she just told me. She didn't deserve a second chance after everything she did. She made my childhood a living hell. Those nights when she'd come home drunk and get mad at me for no reason. That time when she beat the living shit out of me for talking back to her. She scarred me emotionally and physically. I didn't want to forgive her.
"I'm sorry mom but I can't right now. You traumatized me. You understand that. I had a fear of being around you because I didn't know how you would react to certain things. It's like I had to be careful with what I said when I shouldn't have had to." She looked back down at the ground and sighed.
"Whatever it was. It was a mistake. I didn't know how to be a mother. I couldn't be a mother. I was young and didn't know what I know now. I completely take the blame for whatever I did to you." I turned and looked up at Kyle who had been listening the whole time. He shouldn't have to know about everything that changed me. I didn't want him to know.
"I can't just forgive you so suddenly. You can't expect me to do this. I'm gonna need some time." She nodded at me and glanced briefly at Kyle.
"Ok. I'll just leave I guess." I nodded and headed back the direction of my bedroom. I looked at the floor and saw a broken vase with flowers lying on the floor.
"Oh before you go. Pick up the fucking mess you made. You can let yourself out." I walked down the hall and once I reached my room, I slammed the door. I was so angry right now all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. She had no right to show up like this. So unexpectedly and at three in the fucking morning.

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