Chapter Twenty-One

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The funeral was exactly what I thought it would be. There were people there who knew me but I had no idea who they were. Some were friends I met and others were just random strangers. His body had been put in a casket with a beautiful flower assortment. His mother was holding Kylie who was asleep. If only my mind was like hers. She had it easy and didn't have to deal with all the grief I was going through right now. The pastor walked up the front of the rows and rows of chairs and made a message. By the time he reached when people could come up and make eulogies, his friend Ryan stood up.
"Uh Hi. I'm Ryan. I thought I would say a few words for y'all." I stood straight in my chair and paid attention to what he had to say. I always adored his multiple personalities and the humor that came with it. He was a true friend to Kyle and fit in perfectly with Kyle's non existent ego.
"I first want to start by thanking everyone who came out to support the ones who were very close to Kyle. I just wanted to mention the impact he had on my life. He was always someone you could trust. He always kept his promises and was very vocal about his feelings for other people, especially his wife. Secondly, he loved everyone for who they were. He took the effort everyday to show it and man, the way he talked about Destiny, he never got tired of talking about her." I held a tissue up to my eye to stop the tears from flooding my eyes.
"I want today to be a day to remember Kyle Johnson for the person he was." I applauded Ryan and gave him a hug after he walked off the stage.
By the time the service was over, I didn't leave until Kyle was fully put in the ground. I wanted to make sure his resting place was comfortable. Kyle's mother had taken Kylie back home to my house to put her down for a nap. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Kevin.
"If you need anything, just let me know. You have a lot of people on your end to support you." I nodded but kept watching as they lowered him into the ground. He handed me a folded up piece of paper.
"Thought you might want to read this." He handed it to me then turned around and left. I didn't open it just yet. Kyle was put into the ground and they covered it up with dirt. This was the final blow. It was all over. He was resting peacefully underground.
I pulled into the driveway at home and walked inside. Kyle's mother was sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Hey! How'd she do?" She turned off the TV and got up.
"She did good! Just a little fussy but I calmed her." I smiled as I took a water out of the fridge and downed it. I felt dehydrated even though I wasn't.
"Hey. I just want you to know that I'm willing to help you in any way. It's not gonna be easy but you can do this. Just think about Kylie and what you want for her." I nodded and pulled her in for a hug. She smiled and grabbed her purse.
"I'll stop by tomorrow morning." She opened the door and shut it behind her. I was now alone. I paced around the living room and stared back at the counter with the letter sitting on it. I grabbed it and walked into the room and sat on my bed and unfolded it.

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