Chapter Seventeen

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My eyes opened to Kyle head in between my legs. He had a hold of my thighs and his tongue circling inside me. My eyes were being blinded by the sun but I knew it was him. He let go and hovered over me and gave me a kiss.
"Good morning mama." He was already calling me mama. I was gonna let him soak up every single moment with our daughter as he could and if it meant calling me mama then I was ok with it.
"Have you thought about what your mom said?" I sat up in bed as he was in the bathroom fixing his messy hair.
"Yes I have and I'm fully removing her from my life."
"You know that might not be the best idea. I would do anything for my mother and you're taking it for granted. You're probably gonna need her when the baby comes." I stood up with my hands on my hips.
"You have no room to talk. You don't know what she did to me and what I've been through." He walked out of the bathroom and pulled a gray tee over his head.
"You're right I don't. But I just want to make sure you're gonna be taken care of." He kissed me on the forehead and head out of the bedroom.
I got dressed and combed my hair. I made my bed and tidied up the bedroom. I wanted everything to be clean before the baby came. I have about two weeks left of my pregnancy which means less time with Kyle. I had a little setup in my room for the first few months the baby is born. I'm planning on having her sleep in our room in case she needs a changing or feeding at night.
I got in my car and drove to the park. I loved watching the kids and it made me happy to know that in a short amount of time, I'll be watching my own daughter grow up. I propped open my book and sat and read. Sometimes I wished I could be a fictional character and live a life of happiness. A life where I didn't have to lose the man I loved the most. The story was about a woman who fell in love with a man in secret and hid it from her fiancé. She was strong and brave and went through hell and back for the one she loved. I needed her strength for the moment when I would lose Kyle. I never thought the slogan "You Never Know What You Got Until It's Gone," would mean so much to me in this part of my life. I never took in the real meaning of losing someone you really loved. I always had feelings in my heart for Kyle and he knows that. This story related to mine some way. She had strength and bravery and so did I. I shut the book and wiped away the tears starting to form in my eyes. I got up and walked back to my car. It was quiet now. A little too quiet. I turned on the car and backed out. I saw my daughter's car seat sitting in the back. She wasn't there yet but she would be soon. I rested my head in my hand leaning against the window. I turned on a little quiet music to listen to on my way home. I got stopped at a red light and pulled my phone out of my purse. I had a text from Kyle. It was a picture of a bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter. I smiled and sent back a smiley face emoji. I heard a honk behind me and went to cross the intersection. I wasn't looking and out of the corner of my eye a car hit me head on. All I can remember from that moment is the darkness. I couldn't tell if I was still alive or not. I couldn't see anything but I did hear sirens in the distance. One second I heard the door of my car open and the next I heard a paramedic asking me questions I couldn't answer right now. I felt blood running down my forehead and cries coming from outside. I do remember the moment I opened my eyes I was being rolled down a hospital hallway on a stretcher. Kyle was next to me holding my hand. I slightly smiled the best I could and did my best to follow what was going on.

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