Chapter Thirteen

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It was the middle of the night. I woke up suddenly and rubbed my eyes. Kyle was sound asleep with a hand on my leg. I got up and left the room leaving him to continue sleeping. I walked down the dark hallway and opened the sliding door to go outside. The moon was shining on my tan skin and I watched the action going on in the valley below. I glanced at the pool. I wanted to get in. I tore off my T-shirt and shorts and jumped in. The water was cold against my skin but it felt nice. I was hoping I didn't wake Kyle up. I swam from one side to another and kicked my feet. The water was splashing as I swam from one end to another. I saw Kyle standing in the doorway of the long door watching me swim.
"What the hell are you doing?" I turned my head to look at him.
"I had a lot on my mind. I needed to give my mind a break." He sighed and placed his hands on his hips.
"Get out and come back to bed. It's the middle of the night." I smiled and kept swimming, not listening to anything he was saying.
"The baby likes it. I'm gonna stay out here." He rolled his eyes and turned back around to head back inside. I reached the edge of the pool and looked at the view I could see from the pool. I felt kicking from my tummy and the baby was letting me know that everything would be ok.
The sun had risen and I walked inside and took a shower to get the chlorine out of my hair. It was steaming and I couldn't see out the window. The door opened. It was Kyle he walked in and pushed me up against the wall. His lips were on mine and I couldn't breath. The steam was building up and my body heat was warmer. I let go and looked at him.
"I'm trying to take a shower." He laughed and watched me as I continued to wash my hair.
"You're getting big." I looked down at my stomach and smiled. I was six months pregnant now and my belly was big. My old clothes didn't fit me anymore.
"You look even hotter with a baby in your belly." I laughed and took a washcloth and rubbed it down my leg.
He kissed me on the forehead and hopped out.
"I'll go make some breakfast." I smiled and finished taking my shower.
I put on a T-shirt and jean shorts and combed my hair.
I smelled bacon and eggs from the bedroom. I walked out into the kitchen and saw a plate made for me.
"Hey. This looks a lot better than last time." He looked up from the pan and smiled at me.
"Yeah I actually learned how to make a food that shouldn't be that hard to make." I laughed and took a bite.
"Mmm this is good!" He took a bite when the doorbell rang. We looked at each other in a confused look and walked over to the door. Kyle opened the door and it was an unfamiliar face.
"Hey! I'm so glad to see you!" Kyle pulled him in for a hug like he knew him. His face looked like his and they were the same height. Oh my god! It was his brother.
"And you must be the wife?" I smiled and shook his hand. He had a little girl behind him. She looked three or four years old and had a little bow in her hair.
"Well I'm Kevin and this is my daughter Laila." I smiled at her and she smiled back for a brief moment.
"What are you doing here man. I can't tell you how glad I am to see you."
"We came to visit you guys." Kevin glanced down at my stomach and saw the bump.
"Wait! Your gonna be a dad?" Kyle nodded and pulled him in for another hug.
"Congratulations man." Kyle started to look at him with a glum look and Kevin could sense that something was wrong.
"I'm dying man. I'm terminal. It was unexpected and not what we planned but you know, shit happens." Kevin's expression changed immediately. He now looked sad and looked down at the floor.
"Well, I'm willing to help in any way I can." We led them into the living room and the boys grabbed beers and watched football and I played with Laila on the floor.
"What happened to your tummy?" I laughed and looked down at the big bump.
"I have a baby in there. I get to be a mommy." She smiled and placed a hand on my stomach and I looked down.
"I finally get a cousin!" I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on the head.
"You guys can be besties. You can maybe have a sleepover." She pulled away and smiled.
"I have something for you." I pulled a necklace off my chest and put it around her neck. It was a necklace with an angel on it.
"My mother gave this to me and I thought I would give it to you." Her face lit up as I put it on. She looked up at me and smiled.
"I love it! It's beautiful." She hugged me and I squeezed her tight.
"I'm glad I finally have a niece. You're perfect in every way." She picked it up and glanced at it in excitement.

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