Chapter 13

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After the treasure hunt was over, I went back to my room to rest. It had been a long day. Or at least I thought so. I had no idea how much time had passed. It could have been days. It could have been weeks!
I had no sense of time whatsoever, which tired me out even more. But I guess it did not really matter what time it was or how much time had passed. I was in a digital world. Apparently, I did not need to eat or sleep, Ragatha explained that to me.
So then what was the point? What was the point of anything? My mind was brought back to those heavy thoughts that I had luckily been able to avoid all day. They kept me up as I tried to sleep, resulting in me only getting a few minutes of rest.
After giving up on sleep, I got up and sat on my bed for several minutes before working up the courage to leave my room. Once I was mentally prepared, I wandered out of my room and through the tent. I found the others hanging around, talking amongst themselves.
    Jax smiled when he saw me and stepped away from his conversation with Ragatha. She seemed annoyed that he abruptly left in the middle of her talking, but when she saw me she understood and gave me a smile.
    "Feel any better?" Jax asked.
    "Not in the slightest." I said.
    "Well that's too bad." He said. Hs looked away briefly before looking back at me. "Hey, would you like to get outta here?"
    I perked up as hope stirred in my chest. What did he mean by that? Did he know how to escape? Was that even possible?
    "How?" I asked.
    "The carnival." He said. "We could have some fun, take our mind off things."
Oh. So that was what he meant. The hope drained out of me as I had to force myself to let go of the thought of the exit. Of course he did not know where it was. No one did. None of us even knew if there was an exit.
But hanging out with Jax did not seem so bad. The thought of it actually sparked a feeling of warmth in my chest. I smiled. "Alright." I said. "Sounds fun."
"Ooh, are you guys going to the carnival?" Ragatha asked.
"Jax is taking me." I said.
"That sounds like a great idea!" She said happily. "And I don't believe we've taken Pomni there yet."
"That sounds... interesting." Pomni said as her eyes drifted off. I could tell that there was something she would have much rather been doing.
"Then let's go." Ragatha said as she began to lead the way out of the tent, everyone else following behind her. Jax shrugged as he walked alongside me.
I felt slightly disappointed that it was not going to be just the two of us. But I had a feeling that this would not be so bad.

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