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'55 - Secrets and Memories'

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As I waited for Regulus and Minnie to arrive, the nerves began to build up again. I am terrified of what this all might hold. What could've possibly been taken from us? Why was it taken? What information could've been so grave in our minds that it needed to be sealed away?

The flames of the fireplace lit up in a greenish hue and seconds later, Regulus appeared, falling to the floor.

"Bloody hell!" he cursed to himself.

"First time?" I giggled, walking over to help him up from the floor.

He waved me off and stood on his own, patting down his uniform from the soot. "If my memory serves, then yes." he replied.

Before I could say anything more, McGonagall appeared in the giant fireplace, looking as elegant as ever. "You two alright?" she asked, stepping towards us.

"I made it here just fine." I replied, looking at Regulus who was still a little janky.

"Not all of us are experienced." he mumbled.

"Who goes there!" Rose yelled out from the second floor of her Inn, scaring us all half to death. I jumped, completely forgetting that we were inside of her establishment.

"It's just us, Rose!" I called out to her.

"I hope you don't mind Rosmerta, I couldn't for the life of me remember the name of Gerald's shop!" Minerva explained as Rose made her way down the stairs towards us.

"What could you possibly need from Gerald's at this hour?" Rose questioned, approaching us, broom in hand.

Great weapon choice Rose.

"It's only half past 8!" I replied, looking over at one of the clocks on the wall above the bar.

"Is it?" Rose asked, sighing as she leaned onto the broom for support. "Time is so wacky these days." she said.

"Maybe if you hadn't fired your employees you wouldn't have to worry so much about time and closing early." I mumbled just as she reached our little circle.

"I can hear you, you know. I'm not that old. No offense Minerva." Rose stated, one hand on her hip.

"None taken. Now, if you would be so kind as to let us out." Minnie replied, waving a hand at Rose.

"Did Carina lose her key?" Rose queried, looking at me all confused.

My eyes widened. "Uuuh. What key?" I questioned back nervously.

"The one your group always uses to get in here!" Rose said, sounding as if it was some obvious thing.

"Sorry Rose, I don't have a single clue what you mean!" I replied, trying to sound as clueless as possible.

"Alright, I'll let it slide this time since Minerva's here, which is why I assume you're pretending you haven't a clue what key I could be referring to." Rose said, waving me off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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