(OC) Robert Gardens (Season 1)

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Full name: Robert Nathaniel Gardens

Age: 23 (Season 1&2)

Height: 6'4"

Hair Color: Dirty blonde and curly hair, he typically wears it short, but steadily grows it out.

Eye Color: Green

Ethnicity: White

Sexuality: Straight, Rob has always been fonder of women, especially since he's been married for 2 years.

Relationship Status: Married

Wife's Name: Mary Gilenhart

Birthplace: Wisconsin

Appearance: Rob is the tallest of the group, being 6'4" however, like Michael, he is also overweight, but actively seeks to change that. He also has muscular arms and has better eating habits than some of his friends do. Rob often wears Arizona jeans, black sneakers, a purple T-shirt, underneath a gray windbreaker. Depending on how he feels, he'll either wear his glasses or he will wear his contacts instead. Rob also has his own set of power combat armor and also has the same problem with it making him look chubby as well. He wears his wedding ring on his right hand. He has a neutral expression on his face.

Personality: Rob has proven time and time again that he is the reasonable and responsible one of the group. Being mostly kind, however he is quick to correct his often-incorrect friends, an exhausting feat to be sure. Rob is more so the person who won't mind going on adventures but will often worry about the safety of the group, making sure that nothing bad happens to all of them as they continue onward. While he is skeptical of the supernatural and a lot of the other things that happens, he is more prone to be convinced once strange events start to happen. Rob also has been known to be less extreme in terms of sanity and is more or less normal, despite the nonsense he gets dragged into. Rob also has a Youtube channel with 34 million subscribers. He is close friends with Joe.

Powers & Abilities: None for now.

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