(Season 2) The Boys Go to Mt. Everest

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Base of Mt. Everest

We pan over the dawn of a new day, as the sun shines down on a huge lodge at the base of one of the biggest mountains in the world, Mt. Everest. With a staircase leading up to the rented brick house we pan inside the living room as we see the boys dressed up to go climbing up the mountain in warm clothes and winter attire. Robert was wearing black snow pants, boots, and a blue winter coat with black coloring on the shoulders and gloves, Milo was wearing a black and gray winter coat with a high color up to his chin and the hood down, with black snow pants and boots as well as dark blue gloves and a blue scarf, Joe was wearing a white winter coat that went up to cover his neck with black snow pants, brown boots, and white gloves, Dominic was wearing a black heavy coat, black snow pants and boots, and even wore purple gloves and had his tied back into a bun, Michael on the other hand wore his "winter" suit, which meant he was dressed how he usually does, but he wore gray boots and had red gloves on with a red beanie hat on, Michael designed his three-piece suit to withstand cold weather conditions just in case he could look sharp in case any cameras were nearby. Joe began to reminisce as they strapped on their hiking backpacks.

Joe: Oh Mt. Everest! You know I actually successfully made this track back when I was 16 years old.

Milo: Wow! Really Joe?

Joe: Yep! It all became easy once my friend Leaking Larry and I invented our very own neat little trick.

Milo: You had a friend named Leaking Larry?

Joe: Yep, he leaked a lot.

Milo: Wow, I never would have guessed.

Michael: And what was that trick, exactly?

Joe: Well, Mikey, back in the early days Larry and I used to slick our entire bodies and Aunt Jemima's syrup, so that it acted as a coating of insulation. Of course, not only would this protect you from frostbite, but it would also function to ward off the necromancers (Robert coughs) at the top of the summit who would regularly sacrifice unsuspecting hikers in order to summon the dark Lord Vargoth into being.

Everyone stares at Joe for a moment before shaking their minds off this topic.

Robert: Well anyways, getting things back on track, Dom! (gestures to him) It's literally below freezing; you need to wear some additional layers before we head out. As if this climb wasn't dangerous enough already. What if we encounter a storm while we're out there?

Michael: Yeah, the last thing we need is you not being able to keep up with us because you catch frostbite. Even with our combined strength I don't think the four of us have the capability to haul your ass back here Dom.

Dominic: Ah, apologies Michael. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is 200 lbs of pure muscle with 4% body fat like I am. No wonder you wouldn't be able to haul me back.

Michael: Yeah, that's totally what I was getting at.

???: It's not the storm you should be wary of Mr. Youtuber's. It's the monsters that bring the storm.

They then see none other than John Schnatter, wearing a grey winter coat, black snow pants, black boots, white gloves, a hiking backpack, and his short curly black hair slicked back as he addressed the boys.

Dominic: Holy shit! Is that John Schnatter?!

Robert: Dom, how do you know who that is?

Dominic: Are you kidding me Robert?! In Australia, Papa John's is a huge hit! All of my top lieutenants love Papa's garlic sauce!

Robert: Can we not call them that?

Papa John: It is quite amazing, isn't it?

Milo: Let's also not forget that he's the former CEO of that pizza chain. Essentially being forced to step down amid some controversy that he himself brewed.

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