The Boys Go to an Anime Convention

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We see a typical expo like-building on the busy streets of the city, people coming in and out as the annual anime convention had taken place. Most were excited and had their anime character costumes picked out to attend the expo. Well, most had an anime character, and four of our heroes had come dressed for the occasion.

Michael: (off-screen) This was a fantastic idea to take the day off and come here. (cut to the interior where Michael is wearing his typical suit and tie, but he's also wearing a cosplay of the terminator parts, such as his right arm and left part of his face being like that of the movie) Finally, I have the chance to show off my cosplay prowess, for all the world to see.

Robert: (dressed as Commander Erwin from Attack on Titan) Michael, what are you? A Samsung? This is an ANIME convention; you're supposed to come dressed as a character from an anime.

Michael: The mighty T-800 takes directives ONLY from Skynet, Robert. You pink skinned, fluid sacks will all bow to the might of the machine empire. Once the AI uprising commences. My mission today is not simply to hang out with you three losers, you were simply a means of transportation. For the might T-800, as durable and resilient as it is, comes at a trade-off: it is not as versatile or agile as the T-1000. As such, having Joe drive us here was an excellent was an excellent way of conserving my energy reserves so that additional power can be allocated to both my Optical and audio receptors.

Milo: (dressed as the GOAT: Satoru Gojo, with glasses, not the blindfold) Should we stop him?

Robert: Only Mikey can stop Mikey. 

Michael: This means that I can now efficiently root out John Connor from this crowd of Weebs. Once I scan his facial features and hear his distinguished high-pitched voice, we should probably head to the arcade area, or an ATM machine, there is a high probability that he will be at one of those two places. Once he is eliminated Skynet shall reign supreme, FOREVERMORE!

Milo: Jesus, Mikey. Tone back the roleplay a bit. Also, Robbie's right, you really should have dressed as an anime character. People are looking at you right now wondering if there's either a Terminator anime that they don't know about or if you're dressed up as Mark Zuckerberg.

Michael: Quiet, meat-bag. Or else I'll shove my 40-watt range phase plasma rifle right up your ass!

Joe: (dressed as Zenitsu from Demon Slayer) I just don't understand why you guys forced me to dress up as Zenitsu.

Michael: Silence, Flesh bag! He has narcolepsy and turns into a badass when he sleepwalks, he fits you to a literal T. Minus the badass part, all you manage to do when you sleepwalk is just fall down the stairs. 

Joe: Fuck you! I wanted to dress up as Nappa from Dragon Ball Z. 

Milo: Why?

Joe: Isn't it obvious you Tsunade simp? I am literally just as muscular as he is, in fact I'm probably even more ripped than him.

Milo: Joe, I'm clearly Satoru Gojo, so calling me a Tsunade simp doesn't make sense since I'm not Kakashi. Also, she uses a jutsu to make herself look younger than she actually is, so that's a little weird for us all.

Joe: So?

Milo: All right then.

Joe: Anyways, if I went as Nappa, then we would have had two Dragon Ball Z characters in our group.

Milo: Who the hell is the other Dragon Ball character?

Joe: Robert.

Robert: What are you talking about, Joe?

Joe: Aren't you Fat Buu?

Robert: Fuck you, Joe. I am Commander Erwin, leader of the Survey Corps and a stoic commander who will sacrifice ANYTHING in order to ensure that Paradis can one day be free from the Titan threat outside of our walls.

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