The Boys Return to an Alternate Universe

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Exterior of Grand X, Morning

We see the exterior of Grand X, as the boys head inside to visit Teslon Musk. They had received a call from him last week after the fiasco on Family Feud, where Dominic had also been arrested. Thankfully Michael had bailed him out and they all decided to go see what Teslon wanted to see them all for and if this was about the alternate reality with the Sovereign Hierarchy. They were waiting in the lobby wearing their civilian attire. Michael and Joe wore their regular outfits, Milo was wearing the outfit from their first haunted adventure, Robert was wearing brown jeans, Nike sneakers and a maroon jacket, Dominic was wearing a white sleeveless hoodie, over top a black long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up, he wore blue jeans and black and blue Under Armor sneakers. Michael starts a conversation as they wait.

Michael: I can't wait to tell Teslon of your latest felony counts Dom. 

Robert: You're one to talk Michael.

Dominic: (with a guilty look on his face) Listen, I just wanted the car. I didn't mean to vandalize the building or get Steve Jr fired. However, I do appreciate you paying my bond and bailing me out Michael.

Michael: That's what friends are for. I kind of like to think of myself as the Bruce Wayne of our group. Intelligent, handsome, excellent at hand-to-hand combat, (Milo and Robert look at him with half-open eyes and Robert shakes his head) also being able to solve whatever obstacles we may encounter with my deep pockets, whenever the situation demands it. Come to think of it, Byers Tower could be our headquarters if you guys really wanted to form our own Justice League.

Joe: Oh, that would be fantastic, but I called dibs on being Martian Manhunter.

Milo: Why would you be Martian Manhunter?

Joe: Because first I am deathly afraid of fire! Also, I just figured since Mikey's Batman you would be Superman. Rob could be a Yellow Lantern and Dom would be Cyborg.

Dominic: Why do I have to be Cyborg?!

Robert: Why do I have to be a Yellow Lantern?!

Milo: Anyways, we've been waiting here for quite a while. Anyone find it odd how Teslon wasn't out front to escort us in? Actually, now to mention it, none of the staff are at their posts. Something's off.

A loud siren starts blaring throughout the building, alarming the boys of the situation.

Michael: Jesus!

Dominic: (covers ears) What the hell is that?!

Joe: It's the divine horn of the Ark Angel Gabriel! Announcing the rapture for all to hear, repent now and rejoice!

Everyone looks at Joe increduously.

Dominic: Could someone get this guy evaluated?!

Michael: The hell was that?!

Joe: Maybe they're just in the middle of renovating.

Dominic: The hell kind of renovating has a siren blaring throughout the building?

Robert: Guys I don't think whatever's happening is routine. Look at this. 

There are marks on the walls, they appear to be blaster marks across them. Indicating a battle had gone down.

Michael: Are those blaster marks?!

Joe: Golly those look like marks from a blaster!

Michael: Joe for Pete's sake, take your pills buddy! We need your head on straight for this, OK?

Joe: Aw, fine!

Milo: That cannot be good.

Dominic: (crosses arms) Still think they're just renovating Joey?

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