The Boys Go to Sea World

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Sea World Restaurant

We pan down to a bright and sunny day in Sea World, as we see its activities and visitors in full effect. Visiting the park's numerous attractions and rides appear and disappear, until we stop at a seafood themed restaurant, where our 5 heroes come out, having just finished their lunch, mainly because of Michael. We see Michael, Joe, and Dominic wearing their regular outfits (see bios for season 1) while Robert was wearing his black button-up T-shirt, brown jeans, and gray sneakers, Milo was wearing a white T-shirt underneath a white zip up jacket, black jeans, and his Vans. Joe was wearing a wool shark hat, Dominic was wearing a rainbow-colored squid hat, Milo was wearing a blue jellyfish hat, Robert a purple squid hat, and Michael was wearing a plastic gold crown. Joe was the first to voice his excitement after leaving the restaurant.

Joe: Wow, this is perfect! No better way to set the Sea World mood than by also looking the part.

Milo: We should take a picture so I can post it on my Instagram.

Michael: Quiet heathens! I have the crown on my head, and therefore I issue the commands, for I am the king of Atlantis. You are all my subjects and thus must pledge your fealty to His Majesty, Michael the great.

Everyone just looks at him with disbelief.

Robert: (as he shakes his head) I can't believe that instead of just buying an animal plush hat from that restaurant, Michael had to bring a crown that he had stored away in his house.

Michael: Quiet peon! His Majesty shall do as he desires and as subjects of my great Kingdom, the mightiest in the land may I add, your criticisms and concerns are of no matter of import to one of such high nobility such as myself.

Dominic: Michael, keep talking like that and you will anger me. And once the squid is angered or in fright, I will have no choice but to ink you.

Michael: (disturbed) Dom what the hell?

Joe: You know I once saw a man with a Burger King crown on an airplane. It was a trending video on Twitter actually...

Robert: (realizes what he's referring to) Oh God!

Joe: ...he was causing quite the ruckus, constantly yelling-

Milo: OK! How about we move on to a different topic before that conversation gets out of hand.

Michael: I concur, come jester! Provide a lay of the land before us and let us confer as to where we may begin our epic adventure.

Joe: (as he gestures to the map) Well, I say we go to the explorer's aquarium. Nothing like seeing the gargantuan and majestic creatures of the deep to truly humble oneself.

Michael: The great, His Holiness, the high king, oh so very high might I add, recognizes your suggestion but offers a counter proposal. (points to The Journey to Atlantis on the map) I say we go to Atlantis; it would be an incredible boost of morale for the people to see their king returning to his Kingdom. They will be more ecstatic to receive me than if they were to see Jason Momoa himself. 

Milo just stares at Michael with no emotion, Robert pinches the bridge of his nose, and Dominic just sighs.

Joe: (sad) Aw, but I wanted to see the sea critters. But Jason Momoa is hot.

Robert: Here, how about this; we go to Atlantis first, then we go to the aquarium after. (gestures and points to the spots on the map)

Joe: Hooray!

Michael: The high king does not compromise with common folk.

Robert: Michael don't be an ass!

Michael: OK, fine you bunch of babies!

The Boys AdventuresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora