The Boys Go on a Dangerous Hiking Trip

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A gray high lander SUV is seen pulling up to the campgrounds and a trail during the bright morning. Once it finishes parking out steps Robert, Michael, Milo, Joe, and Dominic, all of them wearing their respective hiking outfits. Joe and Michael simply wore their regular outfits, but Joe had a brown hiking backpack and Michael had a very large and green one, also he had a hunting rifle slung over his shoulder. Robert was wearing brown hiking pants, boots, and a black short sleeved button up hiking shirt, he had a gray hiking backpack. Dominic had a white hiking backpack and wore a purple button up hiking shirt, black cargo pants and gray hiking boots, not to mention a katana was at his side. Milo wore a black turtleneck underneath a brown button up jacket, he wore a black belt with black hiking jeans and boots, he was also wearing two necklaces, a smaller pendant and a longer one with a cross and had on a black hiking backpack. Michael was the first to speak once they reached the entrance of the trail, voicing his frustration.

Michael: I'm telling you guys right now, it's a mistake to let Joe map our route.

Joe: Don't underestimate me Mikey. Back when I was a Boy Scout, I actually had a hiking merit badge. Back then this was no easy feat to achieve. Oh, of course it did take me until I was 19 to actually get the badge, but the key point here is that persistence opened the way to success.

Robert: Joe, it took you until you were 19 to get the badge?!

Joe: Yep!

Robert: How old were you when you joined the Boy Scouts?

Joe: 10.

Robert: Isn't the Max age for a Boy Scout 17?

Joe: Yep, I just came in with fake ID's and mustache disguises, they were never able to tell I was the same person.

Robert: (with a look of disbelief on his face) OK then.

Michael: (rolls his eyes) Whatever, I'll still rather have Joe plan the hike than be caught near Milo and his ridiculous outfits.

Milo: You're just jealous that you can't understand modern fashion even if it smacked you across your forehead Mike. It's called drip for a reason.

Michael: Fashion? We're going hiking! Who the hell are you trying to impress, Bigfoot?!

Robert: Layoff on Milo's outfit Michael. What about you with your backpack? (gesturing to the large size of his friends backpack)

Michael: What about it?

Robert: It's large enough to pack an entire buffet inside of it.

Michael: Shut the hell up Robert! I'm sorry if I wanted to make sure that I packed enough food in order to meet my daily caloric intake. I'm not trying to starve out here while also being stung by mosquitoes and being worn down by the elements.

Milo: Michael, you packed enough food to feed a small village!

Dominic: Gluttony is a sin, Michael. Learn to humble yourself it's an unpleasant trait.

Michael: Who the hell even invited this guy? I thought it was just gonna be the Fantastic Four on this trip?

Joe: Sorry Donnie but I have to agree with Robbie on this one. That pack is so big you could have packed a child in there.

Michael: Ohh you would like that wouldn't you.

Joe: What's that supposed to mean?!

Milo: I don't understand why you're getting on me for my outfit when you brought a rifle and Dom has a katana.

Michael: Milo, rule #1; always come prepared for the unexpected. It's always better to have old Bessie around than to not have her when you need her most. (pats his rifle as a he says this)

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