The Boys Go to a Dangerously Haunted House

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24-Hour Fitness Gym

We pan down over a 24-Hour Fitness Gym as it is around 7:00 PM and we see a familiar 4 wheelers parked in the parking lot. We cut inside to see the boys having finished changing out of their gym wear and are in their regular clothes, having just finished working out for a few hours. Michael was wearing his regular suit and shoes, Joe was wearing his regular outfit, Dominic was wearing a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and Nike's, Milo was wearing a black jacket with two pockets over the breasts and an adjustable buckle strap on the left side, over top black pants and black and white Under Armor sneakers, Robert was wearing a maroon long-sleeve with grey jeans and black sneakers. They also ran into Arnold Schwarzenegger while they were working out, which was a huge surprise to find him there, especially since they weren't in Hollywood right now. Arnold is wearing a blue polo shirt underneath a brown jacket, he has a large belt buckle, blue jeans and black boots on. Michael was the first to speak after leaving the locker room.

Michael: Now that was a solid ass workout Arnie! My chest is sore already.

Arnold: Michael all you did was eat 6 protein cookies while the rest of us were lifting.

Michael: Well, I didn't say it was sore from working out, I have acid reflux.

Dominic: Jesus, I feel so swole! I can feel my body shredding beautifully like a Greek sculpture. We gotta do this more often.

Arnold: You did an impressive workout regimen, but only walked on the treadmill at 2 mph as a cooldown.

Dominic: Yeah, it was great! I think I beat my personal record today. I guess it's true that working out with friends does motivate you to surpass your limits. I feel like Vegeta, emerging from the hyperbolic time chamber ready to kick Perfect Cell's ass.

Michael: More like Fat Buu.

Robert: Dom, Vegeta never kicked Perfect Cell's ass one-on-one.

Dominic: Wait, seriously?

Joe: Working out definitely made me feel a lot more energized again, I feel like I can take on the city nightlife. Plus, it's still early, so, what should we do now?

Michael: Oh, I know! What about a post workout meal?

Arnold: Michael, you did not even lift.

Michael: Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm not hungry.

About 30 Minutes Later, Grand China Buffet

The boys plus Arnold all walk out of Grand China Buffet with Michael and Dominic bearing scowls at the restaurant.

Milo: Well, that was something.

Robert: I can't believe that Chinese buffet instantly flipped their open sign to closed (points to door) once they saw Michael and Dominic get out of the car.

Arnold: I don't think I've ever had that happen in my life, and I've been around some insanely large bodybuilders.

Dominic: This is outrageous! I understand if they were intimidated when they saw Michael approaching, he is practically like the BLOB from the X-Men, but why me? I'm probably like the leanest one here.

Michael: This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. You cannot deny a paying patron entry from your establishment during working hours solely based on their looks or how much you anticipate they may eat. That's literally the risk of being a big eater restaurant! This is discrimination at its finest!

Joe: I may have an idea on how to get you guys in. However, it does involve some duct tape, a handlebar mustache, a fedora, sunglasses and a very large trench coat that you can both fit in. Back in my early years this was how my friends Hula Hoop Holly and Cinnamon Crusted Chris were able to trick the cashiers working at the Box Office into allowing us to buy tickets for a rated R movie. Oh, of course back then cinematography wasn't as refined as it is nowadays, and usually involved still pictures of crayon drawings on a napkin, which were then projected onto a screen using an Indonesian shamans innate telepathic abilities.

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