The Boys Go to an Alternate Universes

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We see the outside of the building, with a giant sign on the side and front of it, all the way in California, simply labeled, Grand X. A multi-purpose center for advancing humankind to take the next step in evolution, and it is surprisingly run by Teslon Musk, Elon Musk's estranged son, who possesses just as much intelligence as his father does, the 26-year-old being far more creative with his ideas, however. As he called our group over to explain his newest breakthrough and needed their help in trying it out, as it could be the next biggest thing for humanity. We then cut to the interior, where we see Teslon explaining things to the boys.

Inside Grand X, Teleporter Room

Teslon: Gentlemen as Youtuber's and one current head of the Mafia, it is imperative that you understand the new science revolving around the multiverse and alternate realities. (we cut to the boys, except for Dominic, wearing TK combat power armor and holding blaster rifles, but not the helmets. Dominic was wearing Jeans a gray hoodie and black running shoes, as well as holding his katana, Milo had a black scarf around his neck) Several heads of our various engineering departments were able to fashion a device (holds up the holopad) that will allow you to jump between said realities. Using the terminal beside me and standing on the panels that you're on right now we can initiate a jump to a parallel universe. In short, you will be pioneers in an age of incredulous scientific innovation.

Michael: Maybe there's a parallel universe where 140,000 ballots didn't magically appear in Wisconsin overnight.

Joe: Oh, come on Mikey. Are you seriously still doing this? It's been 4 years!

Michael: Quiet supporter of the ballot stuffer!

Robert: Guys act your age! We're honored to be here Teslon.

Teslon: It is incredibly important that you realize that you do not have any metal on your bodies whatsoever, before undergoing the initial jump.

Dominic: (raises hand) Uhh. What if one has metal on their body?

Teslon: Like fused to bone?

Dominic: Uh, no, it is superficial.

Teslon: So, piercing then?

Dominic: Yes, that is what we will call it. A piercing.

Teslon: Can't you just remove it?

Dominic: Ah, it's in an undisclosed region, that is quite painful and difficult to remove, if you are catching what I'm pitching. (the boys look at him with a gross look on their face)

Teslon: Y-you know what? I think it'll be fine just leave it in.

Milo: Teslon is it necessary to remove metal each time we make a jump?

Teslon: Nope, you only need to do it for the 1st jump. Every subsequent jump is fine to have metal on your person.

Robert: Why is that Teslon?

Teslon: Makes it easier for the readers to imagine.

Milo: What?!

Teslon: I said the subatomic particles conformed to the initial transitional jump. They are thus adapted for each subsequent jump and no longer bear the unstable risk of destabilizing during transit.

Milo: Oh OK, that's what I thought I heard.

Dominic: (looking concerned) This piercing is kind of large guys. Are you sure I'll be OK?

Teslon: Let me make this absolutely clear: do not, I repeat, do not shoot or kill anything you come into contact with unless absolutely necessary. Do not engage in confrontational situations or invoke provoking circumstances.

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