The Boys Get Upgrades

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Robert's Mansion, 4 Miles out of the city

It's been about a month since the incident at Sea World, and while everyone got over the accident, with helping Joe out a lot, and they noticeably have longer hair. Joe's hair had grown out so that it started curling at his ears, while Dominic's had begun to reach down to the base of his neck, Robert's was a bit shaggier on top, but still short compared to the other's, Michael's was noticeably reaching the base of his neck, and Milo's had covered his ears and reached the base of his neck. Everyone was wearing their normal attire and Milo was wearing dark blue cargo pants, black sneaker's, and a black tank top underneath a dark violet jacket with a hood. They all gathered in Robert's living room while Mary was out of the house.

Joe: So, what exactly are we doing today? Are we finally going to go see a Peep show in New York? I've never been, and I hear it's exciting.

Robert: The hell Joe?! No, we're not going to a Peep Show!

Michael: Well, that's just stupid.

Milo: Pretty lame.

Dominic: Robert, there's nothing wrong with indulging in a few, "fun" activities every once in a while.

Robert: Unlike you all, I'm faithful to my wife, so we're not going! Also, that's not why we're here Joe.

Joe: Then what's happening?

Michael: If I had to take an educated guess, I'd say Teslon needs us.

Robert: You'd win big money for that guess.

Michael: That's why I'm the best at Vegas gambling. My intellect surpasses that of a standard slot machine, and the chances are always in my favor when I roll. There's literally no way for me to fail, when it comes to gambling.

Milo: Mike, didn't you blow $265,000 when you went to Vegas with Joe that one time?

Michael: That was only BECAUSE I went with Joe. He brought me bad luck and I lost so many times in a row!

Joe: Now that's just rude! You're just like Gambling Gary, an old friend who was hot at the gambling tables like Poker and Russian Roulette, he was untouchable, and never gave up. Of course, his gambling addiction resulted in him spending millions at a time, and even got so bad he started selling his own organs. All so that he could keep rolling hot, even if he was killed by it eventually.

Michael: What the fuck?!

Milo: I-Is that story true?

Dominic: I would certainly hope not! The last thing I need today is you Americans getting me killed because of your greed for money and capital gain.

Robert: We're not gambling anything; we're not going to New York either. Teslon sent me over the grimoire that Milo... "Borrowed" from the Heartstorm's, still don't know how, but now we need to connect ourselves to Cosmic Energy, learn it, and then prepare for the upcoming return to the Sovereign Hierarchy Universe.

Dominic: Finally! The power to gain power, I can't wait to see what the book gives me. Maybe I can become like Goku, or even Sasuke with the Susano. The possibilities are just endless of what we could have.

Michael: The only thing I would expect to receive from this would be an abundance of luck, and hopefully golden, God-like power, showing my golden physique, and allowing mortals to gaze upon perfection at its absolute maximum.

Dominic: Maybe if you were the god of pigs, then I could see you being that with your current physique.

Michael: Fuck you! I'm just bulking up my body so I'm shredded.

Robert: When do you plan on cutting then?

Michael: Oh, I have no intention of cutting. I'm not trying to make myself look like an anorexic after all.

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