(OC) Dominic Buchanan (Season 1)

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Full Name: Dominic Aaron Buchanan

Age: 22 (season 1&2)

Height: 6'2"

Hair Color: Black curly hair, long and thick. In season 1 it only comes down to the base of his neck, his bangs mostly sway to the right.

Eye Color: Turquoise

Ethnicity: African/Latino (he's slightly darker than Milo)

Sexuality: Bisexual, Open, meaning he's dated both and despite being engaged he'll still have "fun" with other people, most times with his lover being involved and isn't afraid to bed whoever so long as their 18 or older.

Relationship Status: Engaged

Lover's Name: Laura Thompson

Birthplace: Australia, Sydney

Appearance: Dominic is a tall and muscular man, who typically wears his hair long and is clean shaven most of the time. Dominic doesn't try to hide his bulk and muscles, but most times wears loose shirts, because they're more comfortable for him to have on. Dominic has a scar on his lower left side of his torso. He mainly wears a black T-shirt, underneath a gray button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a pair of dark blue jeans, black and blue Jordans, and wears a pendant given to him by his lover, on a leather cord, there is a matching one she has. He wears a power combat armor chest plate, greaves, and gauntlets that he wears when he accompanies his friends on dangerous adventures.

Personality: Dominic can be a little enthusiastic at times, mostly because he always tends to try and see the brighter side of things. This stems from his time working as a mafia boss in Australia, being one of the youngest ever appointed. He's friendly once you properly get to know him, but he can be cold and mocking to others at the surface level and many dislike him as an indirect result. Despite that he's actually caring when it comes down to it and is willing to fight for his newfound friends, especially since they were willing to accept him and his faults. He tends to have wacky ideas, not to mention sleeping with a lot of people has made him a huge flirt with who he deems "Dommy worthy." However, his love and loyalty to his fiancé has never changed, and he doesn't flirt with his friends, since they're his boys, and is open just a close friend to them all. He followed the trend of becoming a Youtuber and has 33.5 million subscribers. He was part of an attack against opposing mafia gangs in Australia.

Power & Abilities: None for now.

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