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Heartstorm Penthouse

We see Veronica Heartstorm sleeping in her room, as she wanted to not have a busy weekend since she finished her work yesterday. She had a long day of trying to figure out where the hell a damn yeti came from, because it's pretty obvious they don't exist in this universe, and she struggled to find any leads to it. Needless to say, her mother was less than pleased about this development. This was proven true as she woke up to her screaming, and the penthouse shaking from her frustration. She groaned she sat up in her bed.

Clarissa: How the fuck did they get their hands on it?!

Monica: I don't know, they must've taken it when I wasn't in my room!

Clarissa: They just "took" an infinitely powerful artifact, RIGHT OUT FROM UNDER YOUR NOSE?!?!

Monica: ...Yes?

Clarissa: AHHHHH!!!

Veronica gets out of bed, showers, and then walks to the kitchen as she dodges objects being strewn about. Yeah, momma was NOT happy about what her little sister had to admit about. Her mother was still screaming obscenities as she ranted to her younger sister.

Clarissa: You just let them take?! (throws her own Grimoire at her) You want to let them "TAKE" mine too?!!? 

Monica: (ducks) No, of course not!

Clarissa: (as Veronica gets her breakfast) I know you let that boy who has fashion sense take it! Since then anomalies have started appearing, and I know there's a connection!! Mon, if you are hiding anything about your Grimoire being stolen, or worse yet, you GAVE it to those bumbling morons I swear to the Watcher-

Monica: I didn't give them anything, I swear!

Clarissa: I will keep observing. I don't want to see you right now, not until I've calmed down. Probably kill a few of the Glynth. V, watch her! Fuck's sakes!! (she starts cursing in an old language as she leaves)

Monica: (sighs before noticing Veronica) Oh! Good morning sis! How did you sleep?

Veronica: Are you seriously asking me that question?

Monica: (chuckles weakly) Right... (walks to refrigerator)

Veronica: Are you two done screaming at each other for the day, or am I going to have to play babysitter again?

Monica: No, but I just don't understand why mom's being so, unreasonable about this. (shuts fridge) I mean, those people asked us for help to protect the multiverse. And if there IS a threat that's been spreading, and we don't know about it-

Veronica: Look, it isn't that simple. The multiverse is a very big concept and there are numerous untold dangers that lie deep within it. Mom's thought process is simply this; don't provoke any dangers, and danger will not come to you. I don't fully agree with it, but there is one thing I do know, (drinks her coffee) if you leave unintended consequences in the multiverse, they tend to find you eventually.

Monica: I can understand your perspective, and honestly, I agree with it! But what mom doesn't understand is that I really think those Youtuber's are going back to that one universe, with the Sovereign Hierarchy? And I really don't think it'll end there, and that's what worries me, only because they're innocent civilians that are getting wrapped up in matters too big for them to handle is all I'm saying! Besides, don't you think we should, at the very least, help them out in some way?

Veronica: I don't know. I don't want to incur mom's wrath, but at the same time, they'll just get themselves killed if nothing is done. However, that being said, they don't fully understand what they need to do to brace themselves for Cosmic Energy fluctuating throughout their bodies. 

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