The Boys Learn About Cosmic Energy

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Michael Byers's Mansion

We pan the camera up to see a giant mansion located a few miles outside the main city, this mansion belongs to none other than Michael Byers. He purchased this house as one of his main ones after his main tower in the city. we pan to the main living room, where we see the boys (minus Michael) sitting around, seemingly waiting for the man of the house to be done with whatever it was he was doing. We see that Joe and Dominic are wearing their regular clothes (see bios for season 1) while Robert was wearing a short sleeve purple T-shirt underneath a black, long-sleeve button-up shirt and was wearing black jeans and sneakers, meanwhile Milo was wearing navy blue jeans with black and white Jordans, he also wore a gray cotton shirt underneath a black coat, Joe was the first to speak to the group.

Joe: Wow! So, this is where Mikey's been living, he wasn't exaggerating at all was he?

Dominic: No, and I'm quite glad. It was about time the alpha got to see where his beta was living all this time.

Robert: Uh, what do you mean by that?

Dominic: Isn't the answer quite obvious, Robert?

Robert: No. No, it isn't.

Dominic: It's obviously because he intends to merge our two nations, our relationship being at the forefront. It'll truly help both our homes if America and Australia combine their military powers and knowledge, also the women and men from both countries will not be able to resist us.

Robert: Ummm, O-OK Dom.

Milo: I don't think that's the reason Mike called us here. Like, at all.

Dominic: Wait, seriously? He doesn't want a cuddle sesh with Dommie Cakes?

Milo: No, he doesn't.

Dominic: Aw man.

Joe: Ah, don't be disheartened Dom. I tell ya, when I was 16, I had a boyfriend, Magic Mitch was his name. And as his name suggests, he was quite the talented magician, capable of bending the laws of time and reality to his whim. Of course, he did have to make a deal with the dreadful eldritch entity, Valas, who roamed the dark void, preying on those who would make deals with him. But I still cherished my time with ole Mitchy, even if he had nightmares of Valas while we slept.

Everyone just stared at Joe with concern and confusion as to what he just said.

Milo: W-what, uh, what happened to you and Mitch? 

Joe: Oh, he broke up with me a few months later. Said it would be safer if I wasn't involved with him.

Dominic: What the fuck was I supposed to take away from all that?!

Michael: (off-screen) That he clearly needs psychological help. But he's too damn stubborn to accept it.

Michael then walks on-screen into the living room, hanging up his phone as he addresses everyone.

Michael: I wouldn't be surprised if the doctors labeled you with a new form of brain damage.

Joe: Michael that was uncalled for. Also, what's so unbelievable about my stories?

Robert: Everything Joe, everything. So, what's up Mike?

Michael: I just got off the phone with Teslon, apparently, he set up a meeting with a woman named Clarissa Heartstorm, and her daughters, Veronica and Monica. He wants us to procur access to one of the books they own, and within them contains access for us to use Cosmic Energy.

Robert: What the hell's Cosmic Energy?

Joe: I believe it is what Goku uses in Dragon Ball Robbie.

Dominic: No, Goku uses Ki Joey.

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