Scenarios/quartet night/ Drunk

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//thanks to jasmine for the request! I'm gonna start with quartet night then I'll do starish then heavens then senseis

Your boyfriend had gone for successful concert drinks but what happens when the alcohol
WARNING: Swearing sexy dudes and stupid drunk ness
I had fun lots writing this

Ranmaru: Words couldn't explain the fanservice you were getting from the slightly tsundere idol and not in cuddles no something much better. On the living room table ranmaru was only in a pair of red "I 💟 Rock" boxers dancing to hardcore rock music as you filmed the scene with your nose bleeding. You would defiantly have to thank ren for giving him that shot of tequila in the morning. The next morning: you skipped into his room rather happy "Ranmaru~" the poor man held his aching head and starred at the video you were playing he was dancing seductively on the counter... "shit"

Reiji: Now unlike ranmaru reiji was creepy not in a weird way but he was so depressing...note: Never give reiji hardcore cocktails called "depressing walk of silence" for your usually happy flirtatious boyfriend was now crying hugging you for dear life and not in a cute way the air changed to depressing as you sighed and hugged him back this was going to be a long night! Next morning: you woke up to reiji yawning "ahh*yawn* morning my girl *yawn* ow why does my head hurt...that was a horrible cocktail...wait (y/n!) why are you crying" "REIJI YOUR SO DEPRESSING" "N-NANI?!" So he ended up holding your terrified body for the rest of the day mumbling apologies and even booking out the whole next week for dates...

Ai: this was nothing but a recipe of wrong. Never ever give aI vodka and then let natsukis hug him and then allow him walk home in the rain. It may of being a malfunction but the non emotional Robot unless it came to you of course was absolutely emotional. Ai seemed almost bi polar? One minute he was being flirtatious then cuddly then happy all the sudden he dropped into a depressing state and then he had a melodrama momment then an anger rage that you ended up spending the night in the office hiding from the mixed AI until morning. Next Moring: "Y/n? Why are you in that corner why have I dropped to 70 percent battery charge when it should of charged while I was asleep" you could only shudder at the memories of the night before.

Camus: now this was freakin hilarious for anyone who wasn't you... Camus came home from having a shot comption with Cecil about who could hold there liquor when it came to sake well neither of them could. When he walked though the door he grabbed his sceptre and pointed it at you before knocking you down and sitting atop of you "FLY PEASANT FLY!!" "WHAT THE HELL!!CAMUS?" Then he picked you up and said "what a gorgeous peasant...DO MY BIDING AND YOU WILL BE MY WIFE!" By morning you were blushing and glaring at him as Camus had to figure out what the hell happened

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