Part two of movies

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Natsuki: He would most likely watch a Disney movie as a joke but actually he would watch anything with animals except for horror movies. He could join ren and watch classic french movies due to first being born in France. (True fact I think)

Otoya: The redhead would watch a Disney movie since it reminds him of Friday movie night at the orphanage. His favourite is Cinderella and he would watch the 2015 version quiet a lot. P.s he cried when the mother died on Cinderella (2015) version.

Tokiya: Tokiya would surprisingly watch harsh comedies it helps him relax and like ringo he also watches reality TV to realise himself from the stress of it all.

Cecil: Our foreign prince will try to watch anime with subtitles or anything to do with Japan or a forgin nation so he can emerge in the culture and get a better understanding of the differences of his culture to the rest of the world. He may also watch romance

Masato: this shouldn't suprise us but he watches the news and all forms of economy not like a basic check up like aI and Camus no he watches it as if an addictive tv show so he knows how his family company will cope.

Ren: ROMANCE!! I hope that didn't surprise you for our flirtatious ren is a romance lover! From Forgin French movies to seductive fifty shades of grey ren has them all that it even scares his seniors. So Saturday is rens romance movie night with you or starish and there senpais.

Syo: ACTION,PRINCE OF FIGHTING, MORE ACTION be prepared (y/n) you have no peaceful movies in your romance instead it's HYUGYA senesi and OVER DRAMATIC ACTION

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