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I stared at myself in the glass, my eyes intense, piercing as if looking for answers as I looked, a fear welling within me as my own reflection seemed to stare back, it's pale blue eyes none the gentle. Things... monsters... they all seemed to stare back at me in the human form that I physically existed in and crawled along my own mind. A knock came at the door. "Is everything alright in there? You've been kinda quiet Jack." I looked toward the door and opened my mouth, hesitant at first, and sound rolled out, deep, filled with a sense of purpose. "I'm fine..." Slowly I reached down to my holstered gun, a standard 9mm issued handgun that most police would own, the one that belonged... to an old friend of mine. "I'm just fine Alley..." The knob of the door began to shake as the person outside found the doubt in my words, my hand unstrapping the gun and slowly I pulled it free. "Jack?! What are you doing in there?" The knob shook again as I watched with dreamy eyes as I raised the gun ever so slowly at myself. It seemed... so right and if anything, as if I was doing the world a favor. "Jack! Let me in! Please!" I aimed it at myself, no longer acknowledging Alley, and pulled the trigger. The sound of a gunshot, The sound of glass shattering, The sound of a scream, they were all I heard as in the mirror was a shattered reflection, a bullet in its head as the glass came toward me. At that moment, all time seemed to slow until it finally stopped, the door half open, me standing with the gun, the shell falling to the ground, and the glass falling from the mirror. I could only reflect at that time... on my life and how it all... came to this.

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