Chapter 1

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It all began from where I lived, a small town that bustled with activity, where the river ran through it's center, though rarely anyone from outside came to visit. I had lived in a house that was large, it's backyard containing a barn decrepit from time, a well sealed off from any person to peer inside, and a tree that stood far high, towering above all who lay under. I was young then, a boy of about 6 when I had first began to formulate memories from my young mind. I was naive then, new to the world and it's order of life, as well as to the many of the emotions I would experience throughout my life time. But it all began here, when I started to feel that... THING grow inside of me.I ran across the grass, the black dog after me as if an intruder had made it's way onto the property, a barking behind me that both sent shivers of fear down my spine, and yet made me laugh with the joy all had as a child. Suddenly, something caught under my foot and I fell quickly, tumbling, rolling as I still laughed, until I came to a stop, only for the feeling of a strange, slick, wet sensation make it's way across my face multiple times, my laughing turned to disgusted, yet still joyous screams. I heard the gentle calls, ones that called for me, my name coming from the sense of words that told me to run towards it. "Jack! Come here!" I ran quickly towards the back door as my mother stood there, the morning sun yet to show it's face over the horizon, though light still barely illuminating her features as a giant over me, her gentle blue eyes looking at me, her blonde hair like gold even before the sun had illuminated her, clothes for the day already on her. "Jack, sweetie, are you ready to leave?" I nodded quickly, my understanding still deficit of all that was to occur that day, as I followed my mother, the dog kept in the backyard outside. I followed her through the large hollow rooms of the house, passing the dining room with a furnished table of 3 chairs, the kitchen with tile everywhere that shined so brilliantly. Finally we left the house, closing the door behind us as if not to wake the dawn that approached already so steadily. The opening of a car door woke me from my small world as it grew smaller, my mother walking to the other side and climbing in. I had yet to hear anything as any confirmation from where we were going but I still climbed in, the passenger seat next to her. I closed the door and locked it as I was taught, and pulled the seatbelt across my chest to keep me safe should we crash. I looked out the window at the house where I grew, and smiled for what I would find to be the last time. Slowly, the car began to whir to life, and we moved, the gentle smile of my mother unbroken by what may have been on her mind. I stared out the window again as the many trees and houses passed me by of my home town, Del Rio, the stretch of the city slowly wavering until there was nothing but arid country, dusty rock that rose and fell in rapid succession as we passed. The sun still did not rise for what felt like hours until we had finally reached a place, new to me, where strange things roared like the engine of a car, and floated away from the ground into the sky covered by the clouds. I was enamored as I stared at these beautiful creations that we were so capable of, only for the small tap on my shoulder. I turned from the sight, knowing why now the sun had not revealed itself to me. My mother, the giant angel who's hair seemed like brilliant gold, knelt before me. I stared at her with my look caught in wonder as she spoke, her gentle voice reaching to me. "My sweet Jack... I want you to know I do this for you. Your father has become.... a person who hurts the people he loves." I raised my eyebrows at this, surprised at such a statement as my father had never hurt me lest I needed correction, and my mother had never shown with any wounds of any sort nor had she yelled in any type of pain, or so I thought it to be pain. "So I want to ask you, as your Mother, as someone who would want only the best for you, what do you think is right?" I just looked at her, not understanding what she meant by all this but shrugged at her question, far unsure of how to answer. Her hand went to my head and gently rustled my hair. Sun suddenly hit her, the top of her hair and I noticed something as her words came from her mouth, the sun making it's way downwards. "Then you won't see your father for a long time. Lets go sweetie." She smiled but I merely smiled back out of reaction, as I stared at her, her hair no longer shining brilliantly like gold. The angel whom seemed to raise me, had now stood as my sole betrayer at the time, but I had not known then. All I knew, is this is where the tragedy of my life all began.

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