Chapter 8

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I remember that moment so well even now so late in my life, the day that I changed from being the way I was, caring so much at that point to put even my own life in danger, only to better the many people that stood around me, give them happiness. I would have given anything at that point as well, to only have a single friend, to care for me and I would care for them. I realize that the constant pain and despair of loneliness slowly wore away at me, changing me more and more until there was only so much left of me. And what little was left of me was stolen at that moment, when I lost the only sole hope I had left for the world to receive any kind of kindness. I knew then.... And I still know now the undeniable truth of what I am.... I am.....I slammed my feet into the ground, dashing quickly forward as the eyes of my torturers eyes gave a look of surprise, my fist making contact with the shorter kid, sending him straight to the ground, the second kid not given a chance as a slammed my foot into his stomach, my eyes wide with pure hatred for everyone and everything. I didn't notice but my muscles and bones popped from the movements that were so exaggerated that they hurt me more than a person should suffer. Even then I continued, grabbing the head of the shorter kid who hadn't had time to recover his mouth opening to say something only for my fist to begin making repeated contact into his mouth, hitting him until the teeth had cut into me, and his own breaking part by part, blood coming from his mouth and my knuckles. He whimpered and cried as I slammed his head into the dirt, bringing his hands up to his face as if to take away pain from himself. The sound of a yell caused me to turn, the taller kid running at me with his knife in hand, his eyes wild as if he were fighting some beast. I slammed my hand towards him, his knife outstretched toward me, only for my hand to impale itself onto it, and gripping him by the throat with my free hand. I squeezed harshly, the kid letting go of the knife, his eyes turning from wild to ones filled with fear. "Please! I'm sorry! Don't do this! We were only joking with you man, c'mon..."I looked over at the small group of people whom I noticed were no longer laughing but staring in horror at me, as if I had become what their nightmares held. This only pushed me further, the emptiness inside me pouring anger into my soul. I kicked the kid into the groin and when he bent down, I took his head and slammed it into the same tree that I had come to know and love. The same one they slammed my head into. I let him fall to the ground as he groaned in pain, his other friend slowly getting back up. I looked over, my eyes wide still, my hatred having yet to wane from it's powerful grip upon me. I stood up, letting my torturer fall to the ground, and walked over to the executioner of the very hope I had left. I grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground, and he began to sob uncontrollably as he covered himself with his arms."Please! PLEASE I'M SO SORRY! STOP! I swear I won't do it again... "He pleaded to me for mercy, my face feeling something as I sat on his back and pulled up the pant leg at his ankle, holding the knife stead. I realized I had smiled. A far more twisted, sinister smile, one that showed the emotions I felt were no longer of the human nature."Did you give her mercy when she screamed?"The sobbing stopped a moment as the realization slowly set in on him, his friend getting up slowly, coughing from the dust that entered his airway. I retracted the knife a little and slammed it into his ankle and tore backward, the air filled with screams of pain and horror from all around me, blood gushing onto the ground from the wound I caused. I stood up and walked toward the final obstacle in my way and looked down with a smile."Did you give her mercy when she begged?"He looked up at me with his eyes that begged themselves to be released of his tormenter whom was the person he had looked to torment in the first place. I heard the sobbing and scared squeals and screams and it brought such a vicious joy that I realized something. I realized what I truly was. I kneeled next to the kid who looked at me weakly, his eyes losing hope and filling with despair, yet no where near my own."So now you pay the price."I slammed the knife into his shoulder blade and he screamed in agony as I stood, clapping my bloody hands as if to remove dirt from them. I approached the group that stood petrified in horror before my actions, slowly reaching down and grabbing the phone that was my only connection to my dead friend. I showed them the picture and closed the phone, before putting it into my pocket. I stared at them with a smile, feeling my eyes had changed as did my hair. I was no longer an angel, nor a false angel as my mother had been."If any of you come to me again, I'll kill you."I turned and walked away, any pain that had burdened me before no longer existing, fully eclipsed by the feeling of hate.I am a monster.

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