Chapter 13

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After some time, what was left of highschool, I still participated in going to the therapist who confirmed something that sent a rather ominous chill down my spine. I have Schizophrenia. It turns out the time that I had spent with my father and the dog whom I had when I was little was none. My father was dead. We never had a dog. It apparently developed when I was young when my mother left me alone too much and we left a house that belonged to my mothers parents. They had passed away as well, and it left too much imprint in me as well as the death of my father which caused my mind to more or less self destruct. I wondered then, what was real and what wasn't?I walked along the new halls of what would be the place where I would learn, ironically, being the halls of the same station that I had visited with my mother when Robin was taken from me. I laughed when I first entered with Alley who gave me a blank look, as if I was crazy. We went to our separate parts of the building where we got dressed in our cadet's uniform, empty holsters and pouches, the badge included as to allow us some authority to help with the current forces. When I exited, I headed straight for the commons where I saw lined up, with a sense of discipline, were men and woman all dressed in uniform, well fitted in with each other, only their faces and hair so different. I walked in toward the back and filed in next to an unknown face, a man who's features were gruff, serious, his eyes deep brown as he stared forward, his face fixed in a frown, his hair shaved almost clean off. I stood next to him, with my complacent face at attention. I heard footsteps and looked a little to my left, seeing Alley file in next to me. She looked at me and smiled quickly before we faced the front again with devotion. We could hear but not see the police chief who stood at the front of all of us. His voice came out powerful, filled with the years of command he held over the station."The person next to you is trying to murder you! DEFEND YOURSELVES!"At first, no one did anything before I realized exactly what he had meant by this, turning quickly to my right before a palm slammed my chest, knocking the breath from me as pressure cause my lungs to blow out air. Though before I lost my footing, I caught his hand before it retracted and pulled, giving him my momentum, pulling myself toward him as his eyes widened from the counterattack before my fist slammed into his jaw, only to lead with a knee to his stomach. Immediately, when he had hunched over, he wrapped his hands around the back of my knee and slammed his own foot into my other leg, causing me to completely lose balance, letting him push me to the ground. I was about to get up when I felt his hand around my throat. The police chiefs voice yelled out a command again."STOP! The person you have attacked or defended against is now your designated partner! In this academy, if you pass, you BOTH pass. If you fail, you BOTH fail. It's not science! Nor is it math! Now help your partner!"I felt the hand leave me and looked around a moment to see a lot of people begin to shake hands and help each other up, the sound that had escaped my ears before registering. Everyone was fighting before as well, but due to the command, I had only focused on the man in front of me. I felt a hand grab mine and I stood up, my legs shaking unsteadily as I still felt weak in the lungs. I looked up and saw the man laughing a little, his eyes turning from intense to kind."The names Reagan, Theodore Reagan. Just call me Rea, it's a lot easier and sounds a lot better. Sorry for hurting you but honestly... you scared me when you began to attack me back. Your eyes... are scary."I looked at him and blinked as he spoke and laughed a little as he talked. He seemed to be more friendly than I had previously thought, and even so he apologized for hurting me. If anything, he was a lot more different than I was, maybe even like me but if I were humane again. I took his hand and shook it weakly, my own blue eyes meeting his brown ones."My name's Jack Irsa. Just call me Jack. It's easier."He laughed a moment at the fun I poked at him for making fun of the words he had just said a moment before, then wrapped his arm around me and shook me a little, not too hard though as to hurt me, but as if I was his drunkard friend."I like you Jack, you seem like a good guy!"I smiled at this and looked over at Alley, who breathed a little as she turned and looked at me, her partner not there, most likely needing to go to the bathroom or something. I didn't notice nor care though, I was glad she too had made a friend, or in this case had a partner. We filed back in after everyone had been more acquainted with the person that they would be working with, the captain shouting at his lung capacity again as everyone finally settled back in."Today is the BEST day of your lives, and for some, the WORST day. SO ENJOY IT. Today you will be working with your partner to analyze forensic data! Report to the forensic lab. If you don't fit in the room, then report to physical training! DISMISSED."We filed out, everyone following their partners though I noticed that Rea had yet to move. He looked at me and smiled a wide toothy grin."Lets go fight again! Or at least learn how to fight...."He laughed a little and I nodded, agreeing that this may be a good first lesson on any general basis as it would help defend myself and any others whom I would want to protect. He turned and ran with a smile that shown with such glee, I almost felt somewhat nostalgic, a familiar sense given off by him. I followed him quickly and we trained that day, fighting and fighting, not letting the instructor leave anything out, continuing until the movements flowed like water through a pure stream, like they should. I noticed though, when I fought with him, though it was in seriousness... I had felt happy. It was odd for me, though I didn't mind it, I just merely wondered then whether this was something that would prove good for me... or would rip me apart in the end. I lay down that night in my room and let myself drift to sleep, trusting that things would be alright from that point on.

Book- MisunderstoodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora