Chapter 6

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I stood, staring in the mirror that day since 5 a.m. having not received any sleep. My tears had stopped only for my eyes to grow weary, tired, circles making their etchings below to show that my body was now being taken atoll of by this painful news. I tried to smile now but I noticed that my eyes themselves had become intense, yet hollow. I lifted my fingers slowly up to my eyes, pulling at the skin, seeing the red flesh beneath my eye lids, my eyes filled with veins. I let the skin readjust after letting go and slowly reached toward the mirror, my reflection reaching slowly back at me. I stopped though halfway to touching the mirror. What was I doing? Why was I doing it? I sighed and began to get ready for the day, my movements slow and groggy from the lack of sleep. When I left the house, everything around me just seemed to have become a grayer shade, as if life was painting itself upon my own heart, dull, boring, and yet for a child my age, unique.I slammed in the dirt, rolling until I hit a rock. My head hurt and my body ached. I looked at the cause, 3 boys who held smiles twisted and cruel, 3 that loved beat me until I begged for mercy. That, or until they got bored or tired of beating me, seeing my body as a physical game they could play. I slowly stood up, using the rock as support, scrapes at my elbow, forearm, hands, and upper arm, a cut on my lip, my eye already black. "I love this guy... just takes all of it but gives nothing back..."One of the boys, a kid with black hair, shorter than I was, came towards me with his crooked smile, his eyes showing violence thrashing around so well within, a sick twisted being to my own nature. Why did I deserve this? Suddenly a kick came to my ribs and I yelped from the pain."He just..." Another blow to my chest from his fist."Keeps getting...."Another to my jaw, a soft sound of something cracking, probably my neck."BACK UP!!"Finally another shot, a kick that hit me in the stomach with a force that sent me back, falling back onto the rock, my stomach, my ribs, my face, all aching to painfully from the abuse. Still, I just wanted to leave to my home but couldn't as these three would stop me. Suddenly I felt ones hands grip my arms and another grip my legs. I would have opened my eyes to see who my assaulter would be, but I couldn't as I needed time to recuperate. Suddenly a force smashed into my ribs, causing me to yell in pain and horror, my body shooting with a pain that made me cough. I writhed for little bit, trying to free my arms or legs, to run. I didn't want to hurt anyone."Keep holding him. Fucking kid needs to learn his lesson...."I smiled at the ironic words that flowed from one of their mouths, still high pitched and yet to be hit by puberty. Slowly I stopped writhing as the pain subsided, only for something to smash into my chest bone, my eyes going wide to a pain that hurt far worse than when I was hit in the face, pressure being put on my heart and lungs. It felt like living was becoming a feat and torture, a hell that none should ever bear witness to, where the soul begs for death. Where the body would quit, but before my brain could pass out from the pain, the pressure subsided and I could breathe again. Slowly I was lifted and felt support under my arms, my body limp from the pain as I could no longer hold even the strength to run, I could only breathe. Suddenly a hand went to my head and my head slammed into something hard, jagged that cut my forehead and threatened to cut me more, though I could do nothing but groan in pain. Slowly it kept happening until they let me fall to the ground, bleeding helplessly for not wanting to harm them, for just wanting to go home. Though I could not."Lets go, this fucking pansy has had enough." The voice of the shorter kid filled my ears and footsteps that scraped the ground and gravel drew farther and farther away until there was no one. I slowly opened my right eye, the only one unscathed from the torture and looked upon the tree I lay under, it's branches bare, the cold in the air eclipsed by the heat of pain in my body. I slowly reached, my hand shaking with pain as my muscles and bones felt like they had been ripped so mercilessly from my body, only to be placed back in a more distorted fashion, to slowly realign and correct themselves. I felt the cool bark on the scrapes of my hand, wincing from the pain at first, but letting my weight go to my hand. I slowly began to smile as a red bird landed in the trees empty branches and seemed to look at me. "Ro....bin."I spoke weakly as I stared up at this bird, my body screaming in pain as I turned on my shoulder and slowly began to stand, my legs shaking as I did so. The only person I really had left was all I kept myself alive for, as her friendship may have taken my hope away when she left me, but the smallest glimmer of hope of her returning to me gave me a small glimmer of power and life to move forward, to try to keep living until the day came. It was all I had. Even so, the thoughts that rested ceaselessly inside my head threatened to consume me, one such that spoke out above all the rest. I slowly made my way to the nurses on weak legs, my eye trying carefully to keep my vision from fading out. I spoke my thoughts for none to hear, for none to help me, for none to care for."Why..... do I deserve this?"

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