Chapter 23

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I woke up, hearing the hard knocking of someones door, grogginess wearing away with the yelling that followed. I was about to fall back to sleep when I heard their demands for me by name. Without hesitation I sat up and quickly stood and gathered my clothes together. I heard only brief words from the outside as I quickly dressed and armed myself. An arrest, warrant, my name, and how I had taken evidence to a crime that was now my sentence. It didn't make sense to me, even then as I ran and opened my window to the terrace, quickly shutting it. I ran up the metal stairs as I heard the banging on the door, the piece of evidence I had in hand, the mask dangling loosely and shaking each time I took a step. Finally I made it to the top of the building and quickly rushed onto the roof and looked around, for any means of escape. Then I had an idea that filled my mind quickly, hearing a distinct and familiar shouting from below me. I ran quickly to the edge of the building, with no way out and quickly put on the mask, feeling it's numbing effects. Only a moment later, I brought the 'Rea' over my head and shot, the gun making an echoing sound that took away my hearing and I laid down on one of the edges of the building, letting my head hang down but my weight nowhere near enough to fall. I heard the footsteps as I breathed in the mask, and when I heard no longer the sound of metal against something, I held my breath. Underneath my back, I hid the gun I had, cautious as the steps began to draw closer and closer to me, cautious at first before I heard sighs from across. I did not move, my back beginning to ache, the awkward stretch I was doing beginning to wear down my strength and began to cause pain. Soon though, after moments of talking from the two police officers, I heard their steps hitting the metal, hopefully to leave the site of what I had shown them. I quickly came back up and groaned inwardly as I touched my back, rubbing it sorely before standing up and turning toward the adjacent rooftops. I could easily escape and make my way toward the ground once I got far enough away but I realized that I had forgotten Alley. "Damnit... I can't go back for her or else they might ca-"My sentence was caught off as I heard a familiar voice, soft, and gentle behind me. I turned in surprise seeing Alley in a white dress that hugged her body gently yet gave it definition. I retracted a little, unsure of how exactly she got to the roof but I took it with relief."Jack! You need to get out of there, you can make it over here if you jump. Get a running start!""I can't Alley, thats too dangerous. If I do it, theres a chance I could fall."I heard the footsteps on the grating behind me, the police officers coming back for whatever reason, my time being cut short. I had to make a choice, now or never, and even so, I could be incarcerated for who knows how long. I didn't want to hurt anyone either. I turned to Alley who backed up away from the ledge and motioned with her hands to jump. I sighed inside the mask and backed away from the ledge, the footsteps growing louder and louder as I felt my heart begin to pound in me, fear clawing along my skin at the imminent threat. I ran, sprinted with determination, fear, and courage as I set foot onto the ledge of the roof and launched myself, my hands out, ready to catch the ledge as I began to descend toward the building, a window below. My eyes widened when I caught the ledge with a single hand, and feared falling. I tried pulling myself up, my strength slowly giving out before I swung myself, my second hand grabbing the ledge and pulling myself up and over, falling to the ground. I breathed thankfully, my body cringing a little from soreness and pain in my muscles in complaint of the actions I had just done. "What the- WHERE DID HE GO?!"I heard the voice of the police officer from across the ledge, merely a jumps away from me, hearing the scraping of something along the ledge and the movement along the concrete rooftop. I did not move, afraid that a single movement would disclose my location. I then remembered Alley and quickly look to my left, and saw she was hidden, a smile on her face as she placed a finger over her mouth to show I needed to be silent. I looked up at the sky as I heard more footsteps come running, the officers now talking amongst themselves to figure out what happened, discerning I had not fallen as there was no body. Soon I moved, sure that I could not be heard, slowly making my along the wall until I came to a corner. I looked around from my hiding spot, not peeking over the ledge in case I might be seen, seeing little cover for me to move to. I grimaced, I didn't want to hurt them, they may have been after me, but I could never hurt anyone who did nothing wrong. They were merely following orders. I looked down at the ground, a rock next to my leg, big and bulky that could easily fit into my palm, my mind thinking slowly. Olivia, how I had trusted her and how in the end she had betrayed me just like she did when I was young. I shook my head, knowing that I would bring her to justice one way or another when the time came. Then I held an epiphany when I picked up the rock. I needed to wait, wait until I had the perfect chance to do what I was going to do, a risky play that would be a gamble to get away safely or else I might fail and instead be injured by the weapons of my fellow men. I gripped the rock silently and quickly peeked over the ledge before going back down, the officers still talking to each other, their attention focused more on the conversation rather than the alertness of finding me. I smiled under the mask as I realized just how much the police were still rookies, not receiving the original teachings I did. Either way, I had my chance. I quickly darted up, my eyes falling on a window two stories below the roof, the glass untouched that is until the I threw the rock with force and accuracy before quickly ducking back down. I heard glass shatter and I smiled beneath the mask. The men quickly voiced their concerns for the sound and the sound of stepping quickly registered against the sound of concrete and metal until there was nothing. I stood up when a few moments had passed and began to make my way across the roof, my steps no longer inhibited as I began to continue my roof hopping, making my way more and more away from the scene where the police had tried to catch me. When I made it far enough, I quickly busted down a door that led back inside and quickly descended into the place, keeping the mask on, crossing through an elegant restaurant where I felt the accusing stares of many people on me as I got out to the street, taking the mask off. I needed a better plan, finding the original mastermind was going to be a lot harder than I thought now that I wasn't safe anywhere and even more so, now that I had no money. I quickly began to walk among the masses of people letting myself blend in as I slowly began to formulate what ever I could do to help clear my name. One thing was for certain though, as it stood clear as day to me: Olivia was no ally, she was the enemy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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