Chapter 19

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The following weeks were enigmatic, the police force gathering more forces slowly again, crime no longer afoot as if what had happened was merely a civil war until both sides had lost. The time came though, after the time had passed by like grains of sand through my fingers, where I would have to leave. It finally came to the point where Alley and I had learned all we needed in order to become private investigators. Rea on the other hand, deciding that the force was already weak enough, even with the flooding new recruits, stayed to teach. "Geez partner, what am I gonna do when your gone?"I finished packing up what was left of my things, leaving behind the uniform and other issued things that no civilian should carry. This even meant my gun. I turned and looked back at Rea, who stood, arm on his hip, his eyes slightly narrowed from the sunlight that pour in, illuminating the dust that floated around effortlessly. I smiled and chuckled a little as I looked at the box of what I could take."No idea, but one thing's for sure, you ever need me..."I looked back at him and made my fingers into the shape as if I was holding a gun. I pointed it at him."You had better call me punk. If not, I'll shoot you."I recoiled my hand back as if I had shot at him. He laughed as he pointed back at me then stopped. He looked over at my gun and then looked at me again. I felt my eyebrow cock in the uniform fashion it had become after the course of the year that had passed. He suddenly unholstered his gun and pointed it at me, then clicked off the safety."Do you remember what we were told by the police chief?"I raised my hands above my head and smiled at the loss of memory of what had transpired when we first got here, only remember getting the crap beaten out of me. I shrugged suddenly at the question. Rea just sighed and let the gun flip upward, the handle in the air, only for him to grab the barrel, and hold the handle toward me."He said that THESE are the ones that we're supposed to keep. What do you think he would say if you left that here?"I took his gun and looked at him, his hand reaching toward the gun I had left on my desk as I had given in my resignation. He smiled, his eyes reassuring as he holstered my gun and pointed at me, putting the gun I held into the box."You take care of that, I want it back when I resign too, ya hear me?"I laughed and shook my head as I just stared back at him, putting down the box. I opened up my arms and he scoffed."I'll take care of it if you give me a hug man."Rea sighed and tapped his foot a moment then looked around the office like he was thinking on the proposal. Then he just smiled as if the conclusion was the hardest he had come to. He opened his arms wide and walked to me, wrapping his arms around me as I did the same. He squeezed me a little and laughed."Swear to god if you tell the cadets I'm getting soft, I'll murder you. With my gun. That you're taking care of. So take care of it."I just laughed lightheartedly at the contradictory statement and patted his back as we released and he patted my shoulder. I looked over his shoulder when I saw the familiar flash of auburn color, Alley standing in the doorway with her box. I held out my hand, presented to shake Rea's."It was an honor being your partner, Theodore Reagan, and I hope that whenever your stuck, you come to me for help."Rea gave me a look through slanted eyes as he looked at me with accusing eyes at using his full name like when he and I had first met. He smiled though, and shook his head at the kind of unspoken honor that was given through the gesture. He took my hand and shook it a few times, his grip strong, though enough match mine and not crush my hand."And it was an honor to work with you Jack Irsa, I hope that your business takes off so I can come visit you more often as the detective to confer with on a case. Also because I can get my gun back from you then."I laughed at the consistency of mentioning how he wanted his gun back. I assumed it might have been his favorite but I wouldn't voice it out as to not ruin the moment we held between us as partners. As men. As humans. I picked up my box again after we stopped shaking and walked to the doorway. "Later Jack!"Later Rea."I called back to him in response as I walked down the hallway of glass and wood, the place I had become so familiar with giving it's own silent goodbye's as I heard the many sounds that I first heard when I came to this place. Phone's ringing, people talking, shouting, papers flying, screeching of the cars, and even the sounds of the doors opening and shutting. I made it to the entrance with Alley behind me and looked back at her, and smiled."Let's go home Alley."She smiled back and nodded. I turned and opened the doors, the hinges squeaking a little as I opened them to the bright sunlight of the day, the air filled with soft noises of cars that were far away, and took a breath of air. I felt that my future had grown brighter, that all was going to better from here on, and walked now with purpose back to my house, Alley trailing behind.

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