Chapter 3.5

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I ran along Olivia and Robin, invigorated by the feeling of having people beside me whom I could rely on now, the sense of loneliness having slowly been lost on me as time went on. We played the simple games, tag, freeze tag, hide and go seek, making fun out of everyday with the time we were given. I enjoyed myself, a sense of bliss that I had come to love so much, feeling that my life was turning for the better. By this point, my hope had skyrocketed to an all time high, I held hope for my future.I smiled as we all sat beneath our meeting place, a bustling crooked tree surrounded by a half circle of stone, where the leaves danced slowly to the ground as if to please us. I heard Robin's smooth voice come from above me as I laid on the partially rocky ground."Hey, what if we made our own game?"I sat up and turned, seeing Olivia looking right at Robin who seemed to hold a thoughtful, wondrous smile on her face. I looked at the ground a moment and began to think of what kind of game we could make. Olivia though, voiced out my concern."Well what kind of game would it be?"I laughed at the strange coincidence only to receive a smile from Olivia, only for the three of us to remain quiet for a little bit. I seemed to watch the leaves as they fell for a moment, and my sight seemed to form and warp what was real. Instead I saw falling stars from the skies and heavens as dragons flew above as if dropping these 'wishing stars' above us. My eyes lit up at an idea that captured my mind."What if we made our own world?"Robin and Olivia looked at me with confusion, unsure what I had meant for the statement I had said. I began to quickly explain as to not let the idea die, hopefully to convince them that this was a game that would be what we wanted."I mean... like what if we made a game over a world that we created? We could be whoever we want, have whatever we want, take whatever we want, fight, adventure, do all those things!"Robin began to smile at the idea that I was describing, seeing what I had meant by the complicated thought. Olivia on the other hand had smiled a moment then looked like she was thinking. "Jack, that's a good idea but... what kind of place should we make?"Olivia looked at Robin and me for a confirmation of some worldly idea. I shrugged, honestly unsure as to what kind of world the two would enjoy as well as I would. Robin though seemed to have taken a small hint of my inspiration and decided that we should use what I originally saw."I read a book in our library about Dragonology and I was thinking what if we made a world filled with dragons, magicians, and knights?"I smiled at this idea, and Olivia laughed as we both nodded, happy at the thought of making a place that we could call our own and separate it from what was real. It was a place that I had longed to be but could to exist physically. We stood together and ran off toward the playground, now a castle towering above all others, in the world we had made.

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