Chapter - 9

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"Can we.. Live together..?"

Jin wasn't expecting this question all of a sudden, but then before he could reply anything, Hyejin took it back.

"Aaniya.. Don't reply. Forget I asked that."

She looked down and tried to free her hands from Jin's hold, but he again held them firmly.

"Look at me Hyejin-ah.."

Hyejin looked at him with her blurred vision, trying hard to control more tears from spilling.

"I know that it's basically human nature to feel a sense of guilt in such situations. Even though it's an accident, if we're involved with it in any way, our mind starts making 'what if' assumptions that what if I had done this or that, it could have been avoided. And that makes us regret our choice of actions even more. Yes, Eunha wouldn't have gotten sick if she was not present inside the house at that time. And so your mind keeps thinking that again and again, that why did you leave her alone like that. But what's done is done right? We can't go back to the past and change things. Like I had said in the previous sessions as well, just remember the good things out of it. Eunha got better and is now doing so well. So you need to let these thoughts go from your head that it was your fault. Are you getting me?"

"But wasn't it.. My fault to be honest..? I was out of my mind.. "

Jin let out a sigh and asked.

"Tell me one thing, did you know that this was going to happen and still left Eunha alone inside?"

"What? Of course not! What kind of lunatic does that?"

"Exactly. You didn't do it on purpose. You had to considering the situation at that time. You didn't wake her up because she had fever and you wanted her to rest. That itself shows you care for her, that you're a mother. You know what the term 'at fault' means? When you do something purposely with bad intentions. Like someone commits a murder, they're definitely at fault. But if someone dies due to an earthquake, will you say it's the person's fault to live in that house? They also could've been saved if they weren't present inside at the time of the earthquake. But they didn't know what the future held. That's how accidents are, we can try to avoid as much as it's feasible within the human limit. But beyond that, it's not in our hands. We don't know what will happen in the future to take measures in the present accordingly. So, I'm saying this again, Hyejin-ah.. IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. You are the most amazing mom I've met to Eunha. And you know that she loves you too, a lot. So I really hope you can try and get such thoughts out of your mind, and focus on your beautiful present with her. You both hold a very special place in my life too now, so I really want to see you happy and smiling. You will do that for me right?"

Hyejin was no longer controlling now and just let the tears flow. Jin wiped them and their eyes locked.



"No one can see anything from outside right?"

"Huh..? Um.. No the curtains are pulled over the windows, and also the door is not transparent.. So.. No."

"Then.. Can you.. Close your eyes for a moment..?"

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Just close them."

Jin was very much confused on this sudden strange request from Hyejin, but he closed his eyes.

Hyejin slowly advanced towards him, closing the gap between their faces. And gave a quick soft peck on his lips. Then she immediately straightend up and turned to the other side, not wanting him to see her red face.

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