Chapter - 16

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Few months later :

"Jin-ah! Have you seen Eunha's math notebook? I can't find it anywhere.."

Hyejin was rummaging through her daughter's bag and closet, trying to find the notebook.

"Eomma, it's not even around my desk. I have to submit it today.."

Her eyes were welling up now.

"Don't cry baby, we'll find it. Jin-ah!!!"

"I think you're looking for this."
Jin finally came, holding the notebook.

Eunha's face got calmer and she took the book from him.

"Appa, you're my saviour."

"Anything for my monkey."

Hyejin heaved a sigh of relief.
"What would we do without you, seriously."

He smiled and took Eunha's bag.
"Come on monkey, let's go. Say bye to eomma."

"Bye eomma"

"Bye baby"

Eunha went out of the room, bouncing away. And Jin turned to Hyejin.

"Take rest now. You haven't slept since coming back from your night shift."

And she yawned.

Jin adored his bigger baby and gave a quick kiss on her forehead.

"I'll see you in the evening. Bye."

Hyejin returned to their room. She smiled looking at the 'Jin-Jin couple' engraved below their wedding photo, and then dozed off.

During his lunch break, Jin went to pick Eunha up from school. He parked his car and as he came near the gate, what he saw made his eyes fume with anger. One man was holding Eunha by her shoulders, and she was desperately trying to free herself.

"Ahjussi let me go, I told you you're not my appa."

"I am Eunha-ya. I am your appa."

Jin rushed there and freeing Eunha from his grip, instantly picked her up.

"What do you think you're doing with my daughter?" he fumed at the man.

"See Ahjussi, he is my appa. Not you."

The man glared at Jin and smirked.

"Just calling her your daughter doesn't make it true. I'm her real biological father."

Jin's face turned from angry to shocked.

"Na Kyunghoon..?"

"Oo so you have heard about me. Good. So now let me talk to my daughter."

He tried to make Eunha face him, who had wrapped her tiny arms around Jin and buried her face in his chest.

But just as his hand came near her, Jin caught it with his other free hand, and pressed on it harshly.

"Ahhhh what the hell..."
Kyunghoon winced in pain.

"Don't you dare touch her." Jin growled.

"Who are you to stop me from meeting my own daughter?"

"I am her father. And unlike you, I really care for her. After what you've done, you don't even deserve to be anywhere near my girls. So just get lost before I do something that'll make you regret coming here."

Jin turned to go away, but he heard what Kyunghoon murmured under his breath.

"At least there's someone to take care of her. I was afraid she might be alone with that lunatic Hyejin. God knows what she might have done with my daughter."

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