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"Y/n..." -a distant voice called out for you , but you couldn't talk , as your vision went towards the call , you were shocked to your very core, a familiar yet fearsome green colored fire invading the room-

"Aren't you cold y/n? Come on... Jump in the lake.... It's warm..." -The voice whispered , with so much malice , but it was oddly calm-

"No , I have a goddamn sweater on!"

"YOU ARE A JOKE TO ME" -the voice yelled, as it blasted you with some gree fire , you then woke up, it was a vision, or maybe just a nightmare, a very bad one that had chocked you , barely being able to breathe again, although you slowly regained breaths- "u-ugh not again"

Garnet obviously concerned got up and tried to help again , this time using some breathers (peridot called them the bri3000 for some reason lol) designed thanks to peridot

Garnet:"there there , I got you... Are you alright now?"
Y/n:"y-yeah , I'm sorry for worrying you again, but I had a strange dream"

Garnet:"what is it this time?"
Y/n:"some voice... Cold and somewhat soothing , yet dangerous and cunning, he said some similar lines.. I vaguely recognise them though, but he offered me to jump into the pool , asking me if i was cold, then he uh... Called me a joke? Well I kinda threatened him because he literally told me to jump off a lake or pool idk-"

Garnet:"..! Wait I might know who that is , but we need to consult it with princess bubblegum , and FAST-" -she said , preparing us both quickly and hurrying towards princess bubblegum laboratory-

-after explaining again your strange dream , princess bubblegum retreated slightly, she was shocked that he was back , again, but then shook it off , realizing again that he technically went to all the multiverse thanks to a certain plan he won over by manipulating ice finn-

Garnet:"so.. what now?"

Princess bubblegum:"although I know that Y/N battled many threats , I can't afford to send him without a plan against... Him.."


Princess bubblegum:"I thought you would noticed by now! You said you watched our shows!"

Y/n:"i do! But I vaguely remember I have the memory of a literal snail- ooooohh wait I get it now." -you said , realizing that the literal lich revived as well and screeched silently in fear-

Princess bubblegum:"thats the reaction I would expect, not only the lich came back but... Did you see the vision as one of Finn's encounters? That doesn't make any sense , why would he recreate a fight he lost?"

Garnet:"i don't get it either , but maybe he has a trick up his sleeve, we might need to plan something"

Princess bubblegum:"for now , I need you to stay with me garnet, we could use your future vision since it somehow harms y/n, as for you y/n , meet me and Finn at the cafeteria at 5pm , we might or might not have a plan by then , but rest or train a bit , this might be your hardest fight yet"

-you obviously shivered but shook off the fear by a bit , standing up and nodding-

Y/N:"I'll do my best! For now I'll be rest hehe , see you!" -you said with motivation only to shift to casual talking rather too fast, running out of princess bubblegum lab and going to the cafeteria just to hang out with the other characters, while garnet tried to see visions of the future , and telling them to princess bubblegum to formulate a plan-


-you run by to meet Finn, you and Finn got to be good friends after a while, and we're chilling with Mordecai aswell as steven-

Garnet x male!reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now