Chapter 3

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People can trick you so easily. The only person I trusted handed me over to Imperium as soon as I told them I was half-dragon. How do I know the ninja won't use me for their own selfish needs? I can't take the risk...they can't know.

I sit down on the bed in the room the ninja let me stay in. I don't have much to do but I was hoping that I'd find my sister soon. "Vianne?" Sora says from the other side of the door. "Come in, Sora," I say. Sora walks into the room. "Nya is worried about you," Sora tells me. "Why?" I ask, clutching my sister's necklace. "You haven't come out of your room," she replies. "I'll be out soon," I reassure Sora. "I like your necklace" Sora compliments me. "It's not mine... it is my sister's," I inform her. "What's her name?" Sora questions. "Angel..." I reply, drifting off in thought. "Why do you seem sad?" she concerningly asks. "I got separated from her after the Merge," I say, feeling the weight of my words hold me down. "Oh..." Sora replies softly. "Let's go, Nya must be waiting," I say, brushing off my thoughts as I jump up from my bed. "Okay," she replies.

We get out of my room and I am greeted by everyone. "Sorry I took so long," I say. "No, it's fine," Nya responds. "Do any of you know someone named Devila?" Lloyd asks. How did someone know my real name? "No, I don't," I lie. "Hm... okay, probably wrong address," he says as he places it on a table. "Yeah..." I agree.

I just now took the letter while the others are playing video games. I opened the letter... It is from my sister.

 Dear Devila

I hope this finds you and that you are safe. I really miss you! I have not found any trouble, don't worry. I have been looking for you... but I can't find you. I hope you're okay and if this gets to you please tell me where you are so I can find you. I'm really worried. I love you, little sis... My little dragon.

Your sister


She is safe... thank the FSM. Now I need to find the paper, Nya probably knows where that is. I walk out of my room "Nya!" I shout. "Yeah? Nya replies. "Where do you keep the paper?" I ask. "I'll get it for you," she replies. She gets me some paper and I go back to my room and start to write my letter.

 Dear Angel,

I'm glad to hear that you are okay. I am at the monastery with the ninja. Imperium had captured me but the ninja freed me so I'm good now. When you get here, please call me Vianne, I don't want them to know my real name yet... I was getting so worried about you. Sis, please don't tell them I'm half-dragon, I don't want them to know. Sis, I love you and I miss you.

Your younger sister,


I can't wait to see her again.    

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