Chapter 5

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Vianne POV

I wake up sweating; I have another fever. "How are you feeling?" Angel asks in her sweet and gentle voice. "I have a fever... again," I respond tiredly. "I'm sorry sis," she says. "No, it's fine," I say. Nya walks in. "You girls okay?" Nya asks. "Yeah, I just have a fever," I say. "Oh... here let me see how high it is," Nya says. "No, it's fine," I say. She checks my temperature and it was high, very high. "That's high..." Nya says."Yeah..." I say. My temperature is 120°F which I thought was normal due to me being a dragon. But they don't know that so I pretend to be worried, hoping she was falling for the act. "What are we going to do?" I question. "Stay in bed until you feel better," Nya responds. "Okay," I reply.

After a few hours, I now feel better. Nya is confused but doesn't ask me anything about it. She can't know about it anyway. I walk into my sister's room as she is using her elemental powers. "Did you need something?" She asks in her gentle voice. "No, I just wanted to see you," I reply. "Okay," she says. "You know you're an elemental master, right?" I ask. "Stars are not an element," she responds. "Neither is fusion," I say. "You got me there," she says and laughs. "The elemental master of stars," I say in a fascinated voice which makes her laugh more.

"You're lucky," I say. "How so?" Angel asks. "You have powers but you are not a uncontrollable beast," I respond. "Devila..." she says, sadly. "Viann- your name is Devila!" Sora cuts me off, appearing at the door. "Angel, look what you've done!" I shout. I wasn't angry but I was embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't think she'd walk in," Angel replies. "It's fine, now I have to tell everyone," I say. "Sora, can you keep a secret?" Angel asks. "Yes," Sora responds. "Don't tell anyone that her name is Devila, okay?" Angel says. "Okay," Sora replies.

After an hour of talking to Angel, I go back to my room and I lay down in bed. "Finally, peace," I mutter. Just for Lloyd to burst into my room. "YOU'RE A DRAGON?!"     

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