Chapter 16

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Flashback narrated by Devila

"Angel! Angel!" I shouted "What?" she questioned "Can we play in the forest" I asked "Sure" she replied. We walked to the forest and started playing tag and that was when my first transformation happened.

"Can't catch me!" Angel shouted, "Yes I can!" I shouted back at her then I felt a sharp pain in my hands. "What's wrong?" Angel asked "My hands..." I said "Let me see, '' she said. I let her cheek my hands "We have to get home... Now!" she said in a hurry "Why?" I asked "Something is happening and we need to talk to brother to see if he knows what is happening," Angel said "Which one?" I asked because we have two older brothers "Jacob" She responded, "I just want to know what is happening..." I said, "Me too... let's hope Jacob knows". We walked back home and straight into our brother's room "Brother! Something is wrong with me!" I shouted, "What's wrong?" Brother said "My hands... Why are my hands claws!?" I asked, I was freaking out. This had never happened before and I was scared. "Dad said this would happen... Devila listen here what I want you to do go to your room and lock the door" He instructed "No! Why is this happening to her!? What do you know!?" Angel shouted at him "You'll learn when you're older" He said. As they were talking the transformation was progressing, I was getting horns and I could feel a tail starting to grow and it hurt so badly that I fell on the floor "Devi!" Angel shouted "It hurts..." I said "Devi go," Jacob said. I got up and went to my room and locked the door. I didn't want to transform but what choice did I have? As the transformation continued the pain was getting worse but the worst part and what will always be the worst part was the wings. Every time I transform it always hurts the most to where I'm screaming every time... it hurts so much but I can't help but wonder why me? I was screaming in pain but I could hear Angel trying to get to me but Jacob was holding her back. I don't remember anything after I fully transformed but I do know that I hurt Angel very badly.

(back to the present)

I hate feeling that pain but what choice do I have? I'm transforming again...every time I transform I am brought back to that time when I first transformed... the fear...the pain, all that happening over and over again "Don't worry Devila I won't kill you I couldn't bear to see Angel cry" Ras' master says "I...I will kill you" I say "You can't if most of your power is drained". 

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