Chapter 14

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Captured again... I sit in a familiar scene. "Hello, Devila," Someone says "Who are you?" I ask, menacingly "Don't worry about that" He says "You're Ras's master, aren't you?" I say "I forgot how smart you could be" He says "Wait what?" I say, confused "You know who I am?" I ask "Yes and I know your sister" He says "Take off your hood," I say. Ras's Master was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans "Your emo aren't you?" I say "No, black is one of my favorite colors, followed by purple" He says "Why purple? That's a girl color" I say "And red and black is a boy color, shocker I know" He says "He- you're right..." I say, disappointed since he was right "Same old Devi, Fighting until proven wrong" He says "I still want to know how you know me" I say "And I'm gonna say it again don't worry about it" He says "But you captured me I should at least know who you are!" I shout "I'm a friend of yours or used to be" He says "I was close with your sister" he continues "What?"

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