Uppermoon 3, Akaza

28 3 0

"Bloodmetal breathing: ninth form: The end."


Headshot, she smirked, seeing the head of a lower moon explode. Her smirk dropped to a small frown though, since it wasn't enough to hit the neck. "Bibi, get me out" she nodded and stopped moving, the train kept running, making them go to the back since they weren't moving.

Y/n soon felt vibration from her phone, which she forgot to leave behind. It was a call too. "Should I answer it mum? It's from home" Bibi interrupted her train of thoughts. Get it? Cuz yk train, hehe.

"Answer it" she replied, putting on her headphones. The call was accepted, making Y/n see who it was. "Big sister! I heard that you've got a mission" Y/n could only wave back, before Bibi suddenly tilted left to avoid a tentacle that broke out of the ceiling. 'Bad timing, Senjuro..'

"I'm busy right now deary, so I'll just let you watch in the mean time" Bibi understood the assignment so she created another camera to record the current situation for him to watch. Another tentacle emerged from the hole that was made by the previous.

However, instead of attacking, an eye opened. Looking straight into her eyes, 'Shit' she cursed, realizing that she had fallen into a trap. "Mum?!" Bibi called out, sadly it was too late, Y/n had fell asleep due to the blood demon art.

1.43 AM

Waking up, Y/n found herself in her old house. 'My house?..' She cautiously walked in, silent steps as she goes deeper. "Y/n? Is that you darling?" a familiar soft voice was heard in one of the rooms. It made her run into the room, sliding the door open.

There sat Rengoku Ruka, her mother. 'That's not my mother.' Y/n could only stare, with disappointment all over her face. In front of her was her mother, but her face was distorted.

"Y/n, darling, why did you leave the house? We looked everywhere for you.." Ruka stood up, getting closer to Y/n to hug her. 'Right I ran away from home' she took a step back, but Ruka was already close enough to embrace her daughter. "Welcome home honey"

Y/n only let out a few chuckles, "You're not my mother, are you?" she asked with furious eyes, holding a dagger against her mom's neck. "..No, I'm not but my darling, you need to get out of here" Ruka gently stroked Y/n's hair.

Hesitantly, Y/n let her guard down just this once, hugging her mother tightly. "I missed you" "I know dear" Ruka softly answered. "Go on then, it's time to wake up" she placed her lips on Y/n's forehead, the distortion on her face cleared up enough to see a smile.

"Bye bye, mother"

"Farewell, my child

3.15 AM

Y/n woke up once more, checking her surroundings immediately. "This is..." she looked down, left, everywhere. It was a black void of nothingness. "Hello child" a pair of magenta greenish eyes shone upon her. "You're- you're similar to the demon sealed in me, but you're not exactly him" she glared.

"Bingo, he chose a smart one huh?" she revealed herself. "My name's Freya, pleasure to meet you, Y/n" she bowed down. Y/n would observe Freya, keeping a safe distance between them. Freya possesses tremendous aura, as if it's out of this world. 

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