Chapter Forty-Two: Voices In The Dark

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Two weeks later in the western side of the country of Seven a little way from home, found me stood staring at the waterfall from the image. It had taken her almost the entire two weeks to find the falls even with Pyxis' location. Apparently the falls were protected by magic and no one from the nearby villages would help me find them because they were cursed. Before I could dive in Leo appeared on his own power and stared at me with a quiet solemnity.

"It's time."

Standing on the shore looking at the falls I started to relive my adventure up until this point: going home and learning about my families legacy, meeting Pauz in the library, running into the Princess and getting Ara, helping Hibiki come to his senses, Hargeon and the wyvern and using Apus for the first time, talking to Sho and Wally about the past, rescuing Gajeel and Pantherlily, Cetus and the star festival, the look on everyone's face when Argo appeared, and finally the night spent with Gajeel. As all of those memories came to me, I didn't try to stop the tears; almost two years spent living an adventure was finally at an end.

Gathering my courage for the last great adventure I changed into Aquarius star dress using my own power for what could possibly be the last time and dove down into the pool. I had to follow a dark cave system deep into a cavern hidden behind the falls. A few wrong turns and a quick memory of the right path had me surfacing into another pool, this time deep underground.

I quietly looked around and tried to make as little noise as possible. Because of the image from Triangulum I knew that something waits inside. Swiftly gaging the layout I slid out of the water and hid behind a several rocks situated on one side of the cavern. I waited and listened as I knew caution was the right approach to this place.

After a few minutes I was surprised to hear soft crying and snivelling coming from the far side of the cave. Peering round the rocks trying not to be seen I was shocked when I spotted another person tied up lying on the ground near the other side of the pool. What I wasn't shocked to see was what was laying a couple of feet behind the girl; three distinct female shapes that lucky for us appeared to be sleeping.

Being as quiet as possible I slid back into the water and swam over to the other side. I made my way out slowly and carefully and crept across to the tied up girl. Before the girl could make a sound I put my hand over her mouth and placed my other hands finger against my lips. Untying her deliberately and as quiet as possible when I was done I pulled her into the water and then helped her swim back to the rocks on the far side.

Pitching my voice as low as I could, I softly spoke my name then gestured to her. The girl told me her name was Saratha and she was also a celestial spirit mage. Her spirit Orion had detected a key and so she had come looking. She didn't realise it would be so dangerous. The three monsters had attacked her the moment she entered the cavern and she had been tied up and was going to be eaten but they fell asleep instead.

After asking some careful and softly voiced questions and getting a description I realised the three monsters were in fact sirens guarding the treasure trove I could see located at the back of the cave. I brushed my hand across my key pouch and telepathically asked Crux for any information he has on sirens. Watching for any movement on the far side while I waited, I started cataloguing the treasure pile and working out the best way up to where I could see and feel Aquarius' key slept. It was a few minutes after I had worked out two different routes up the mountain pile when Crux got back to me. It turned out that these particular breed of Siren has their power based on their voice.

Quietly telling Saratha to block her ears so she can't hear their magic, I was about to make my attempt when the guilt that followed me everywhere rose up. Letting out a soft breath asked Saratha if she would like to try first to get the key. Shaking her head Saratha told me she can't as it turned out Saratha's keys were taken by the sirens and added to the horde. Deciding that the best approach was to work together I came up with a basic plan.

Saratha meanwhile had noticed my open key pouch with all of my keys and started to get cocky; she made a comment about how it will be easy since I have so many Zodiacs. I don't know whether I was upset or relieved when I told her no it won't as I wasn't going to use them. I knew in my heart that I had to do this without using the other Zodiacs to prove I was ready.

My plan was simple while I used Lynx and Leo Minor Lottie to take on the sirens Saratha will sneak around and get to the horde to grab the keys. I snuck close to the sirens after blocking my ears and telling the two spirits to do the same. All three of us girls attacked together and started to battle.

The sirens start screeching and clawing at me and the spirits. We were holding our own keeping their attention focused on us and everything seemed to be going as planned that was until one of the sirens got in a lucky hit on Lynx knocking her back against the rock wall and sending her home. Before I could stop it the siren had rushed past me and over to where Saratha was climbing the treasure trying to reach the keys. The Siren attacked, swiping at Saratha and managed to catch her arm slashing and cutting her. Saratha screamed and stumbled back down pile. Once at the bottom again she ran over to me seeking shelter behind me.

She suddenly started crying and screaming, shouting that they needed to get out of there. I managed to shout no over the racket My next words were 'what about the keys', Saratha screamed forget it that she could buy more spirits as she jumped into the pool and prepares to dive into the tunnel to the outside. I was shocked but what really sealed Saratha's fate was when she mentioned that the money she'd get for selling Aquarius' key wasn't worth all this trouble.

The moment I heard that I reacted with vicious intent as now all bets were off. My fleuve d'etoiles whipped the nearest siren into the wall partially impaling it on a jagged rock. I summoned Scutum to cover me as I ran past Lottie still fighting straight to the treasure mound and scaled it quickly. Pushing more power I double summoned Cetus and Apus, Cetus I told to use the pool water to hold the sirens at bay and give Lottie a helping hand. I told Apus to grab Saratha's keyring and then back up the other two hitting the sirens every time they left a gap open.

Climbing as fast as I could I tried to make my way to one of the paths I'd mapped out before. Vaguely hearing a racket behind and above me I had time to dodge as one of the sirens had sprouted wings and clawed at me from above. Not backing down without a fight I kicked out and managed to break its arm when it made a pass at me. Before its sisters could get to me I leapt up and finally grabbed the gold zodiac key resting in pride of place in a chest of gold. Not wasting any time I slid straight down the treasure pile and rushed over to the pool, crying as I spoke the words I had been waiting years to say.

"I call upon thy in the world of the celestial spirits I beckon you to my side at once pass through the gate, open gate of the water bearer, Aquarius."

As the mermaid rose from the water geyser I closed all other gates as I hit the ground in relief and shock; to once more use her power for the first time to call my oldest friend. Aquarius didn't waste any time or wait for instructions as just like always she did anything she wanted. She hit all three sirens with a wave of water so powerful they were completely knocked across the cavern and unconscious within seconds. I couldn't contain myself and raced over to Aquarius and hugged her crying my eyes out. The only thing I could do was repeat the words 'you're here' 'you're here'.

After I calmed down and allowed Aquarius to badger me about calling her out in a dark, damp, and musty cave; Aquarius returned to the spirit world telling me not to call as she has a date with Scorpio this weekend. Getting out of the cave quickly before the sirens woke up I swam back to shore and collapsed on the ground. Staring up at the clear sky, I was overcome with emotion and just couldn't believe it: I had finally done it, Aquarius was home.

Feeling everything catch up with me I wasn't aware of what was happening around me as suddenly the other wizard Saratha attacked from the nearby trees. Stabbing me in the chest before I could recover my wits I managed to knock her away but found that I couldn't move because of the wound. Saratha got up and strolled steadily towards me no doubt to finish me off. Before she could bring the knife down once again there was a loud crack and she was unexpectedly sent flying into the water by a metal pole. As I fell unconscious a shadow appeared above my head and a figure knelt at my side. The last thing I heard was someone calling my name.

Gaining Courage: The Search for the Lost Keys (a Fairytail Galu story)Where stories live. Discover now