Chapter Fourteen: Wild Ride

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Lucy POV:

Taking a short-cut to my next stop Garret Town west south west of Hargeon, a seaside village that has seen reports of a possible sea monster; I found myself traveling through a dried up creek bed talking to Capricorn about a new training schedule. He was under the impression that the last few months had improved my overall fitness and wanted me to start incorporating in several forms of self-defence that he could teach me. I was on the fence about adding more to my already busy schedule what with Loke, Sagittarius, and Taurus all trying to teach me their own techniques without the use of Stardress. Archery wasn't that bad but learning to use a battle axe without Taurus' added strength was giving me trouble.

We had been walking for about an hour along the bed arguing back and forth about the cost benefits ratio of adding acrobatics into my routine when we came across the carcass of an animal. Thinking nothing of it I kept walking speeding up a little to get away from the stench it wasn't until a few minutes later when another dead animal this one larger than the last appeared around the bend that the feeling of impending doom hit me. Stopping still I froze as the significance of those bodies finally entered my head. Something was close, I could feel it. My keys and whip were in my hands before I could think about it and it came as no surprise when the monster attacked. Sometime I just couldn't believe my luck of all the monsters it had to be a bloody wyvern, one of the hardest monsters to kill solo. Knowing trying to make a run for it would only get me chased down I quickly came up with a plan.

"Capricorn quickly go back and warn the others of incoming."

Rushing back I put as much distant as I could between me and it. I jumped into the air as high as possible as I screamed out my first summons.

"I summon you to my side, Apus!"

With a flash of multi-coloured lights I landed mid-air on my newest spirit, a giant rainbow song bird

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With a flash of multi-coloured lights I landed mid-air on my newest spirit, a giant rainbow song bird. Not bothering to give him instructions as he could pretty much tell from my thoughts the game plan I tried to stay on as he started dodging the wyvern's attacks. Up in the air I knew we didn't have much chance without back-up. Silently summoning both Scutum and Sagittarius to the high edge of the embankment as far from the battle as I could, I knew that it would give them a better line of sight and offer a strategic advantage point. Feeling Apus release a song burst that was meant as a distraction I quickly changed into Aries star dress and joined the fight. Using myself and Apus as bait I tried luring the wyvern into the line of fire and kept it busy with wool bombs and my fleur de lea. Lashing at the head and wings which I knew were the weak points I tried to keep steady on Apus' back. Something to think about if we made it out of this alive: flying lessons.

With Sagittarius targeting the edges of wings hoping to shred them I suddenly realised we were winning which is of course when it went wrong. I got complacent and wasn't paying attention to the wyvern magical attacks, before we could dodge it got a lucky shot off and managed to knock Apus out of the sky and back to the spirit world. Sending a silent apology to Apus I managed to save myself with a quick wool floor. Shaking the shock off I didn't have time to wait as the wyvern swooped down talons bare.

"Sagittarius the eyes!"

Lucky for me my spirit had centuries at his job as the beast was blind before it hit the dirt floor. Not taking any more chances I quickly countered the wyvern's next possible attack with full body wool suffocation. I knew I didn't have much time before it escaped and came back harder and really pissed off. Pushing as much wool onto it as I could, I screamed out my summons.


As he appeared his axe already mid-swing I pulled back the wool near its head allowing access to it neck.

"I will protect Miss Lucy's moolicious body."

Coming down on target the axe did its job and the head detached from the body cleanly. Trying not to gag at the god awful ripping noise I still grimaced at the bloody mess as the head rolled across the canyon and the body dropped as I released the rest of the wool. Thanking my spirits and sending them home before Taurus could get any pervy ideas I plopped myself down and took a breath. Man was I tired. It was only a few minutes later when I took stock of my condition that I realised that while I was tired I actual wasn't that injured nor too low on magic energy. It appeared after all that Capricorn was right the training we had been doing was starting to have an effect.

Wanting to get out of there quickly in case there were any more wyverns hanging around I called out Gemini and had them once more transform into Happy. Grapping hold Gemini/Happy hovered in the air giving me a look at the damage we had done to the air; if it wasn't a desolate dead creek I would be ashamed at the destruction. After a quick look round to make sure I hadn't missed anything that the wyvern might have been guarding as occasionally they were known for guarding treasure. Not seeing any signs of a nest of a hidden lair I called it quits and had Gemini/Happy fly me out of there. I figured max speed closer to Garret Town was worth it not to run into any more wyverns. I might have gotten lucky with this last one and no way was I chancing another encounter.

Unbeknownst to me at the time a couple of minutes later the sound of wing beats and another shadow had appeared along the dried up stream. The shadow had stopped at the corpse of the wyvern and for some strange reason started sniffing the monster; a moment later there was a growling sound and from out of nowhere a sword pierced the body through the already dead heart. It was weird because I could have sworn that I heard a voice faintly on the wind.

"That was mine."    

Gaining Courage: The Search for the Lost Keys (a Fairytail Galu story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu